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TMS570LS3137: TMS570LS3137 Flash BANK 1 Sectors 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Unable to Erase / Write ( other Sectors are Can be Erased / Write )

Part Number: TMS570LS3137

For the TMS570LS3137 device Boot Loader Example available at the location  following Sectors Marked in Green I am able to Erase and Reprogram but the address starting from 0x00200000 to 0x002E0000 It is unable to Erase Or write to these Sectors . 

(void *)0x00000000, 0x08000, 0, 0, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00008000, 0x08000, 0, 1, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00010000, 0x08000, 0, 2, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00018000, 0x08000, 0, 3, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00020000, 0x20000, 0, 4, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00040000, 0x20000, 0, 5, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00060000, 0x20000, 0, 6, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00080000, 0x20000, 0, 7, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x000A0000, 0x20000, 0, 8, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x000C0000, 0x20000, 0, 9, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x000E0000, 0x20000, 0, 10, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00100000, 0x20000, 0, 11, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00120000, 0x20000, 0, 12, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00140000, 0x20000, 0, 13, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00160000, 0x20000, 0, 14, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00180000, 0x20000, 1, 0, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x001A0000, 0x20000, 1, 1, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x001C0000, 0x20000, 1, 2, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x001E0000, 0x20000, 1, 3, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00200000, 0x20000, 1, 4, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00220000, 0x20000, 1, 5, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00240000, 0x20000, 1, 6, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00260000, 0x20000, 1, 7, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x00280000, 0x20000, 1, 8, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x002A0000, 0x20000, 1, 9, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x002C0000, 0x20000, 1, 10, 0xfff87000,

(void *)0x002E0000, 0x20000, 1, 11, 0xfff87000



For BANK 0 Sectors the F021 API Functions are used in following sequence




Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector, eraseStartAddr);



For BANK 1 Sectors the F021 API Functions are used in following sequence




Fapi_enableEepromBankSectors(0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFFFFFFFU);  /* this fixed 0x00180000 to 0x001E0000 Sectors Erase and Write */

Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector, eraseStartAddr);



The Flash Setup function is as follows


void setupFlash(void)

/** - Setup flash read mode, address wait states and data wait states */

flashWREG->FRDCNTL = 0x00000000U
| (3U << 8U)
| (1U << 4U)
| 1U;

/** - Setup flash access wait states for bank 7 */
FSM_WR_ENA = 0x5;
EEPROM_CONFIG = 0x00030002;

/** - Disable write access to flash state machine registers */


/** - Setup flash bank power modes */
flashWREG->FBFALLBACK = 0x00000000
| (SYS_ACTIVE << 14U)
| (SYS_SLEEP << 12U)
| (SYS_SLEEP << 10U)
| (SYS_SLEEP << 8U)
| (SYS_SLEEP << 6U)
| (SYS_SLEEP << 4U)
| (SYS_ACTIVE << 2U)




Fapi_issueProgrammingCommand((uint32_t *)dst,

(uint8_t *)src,
(uint32_t) bytes,

while( FAPI_CHECK_FSM_READY_BUSY == Fapi_Status_FsmBusy );
while(FAPI_GET_FSM_STATUS != Fapi_Status_Success); <-- Fails and loops at this instruction



  • Hello Chandre,

    1. To erase bank1, you can erase the bank either using erase bank command or using erase sector command (erase sector by sector).
    2. When using erase sector command, please enable the sector 0 as well: Fapi_enableMainBankSectors(0xFFFE) --> 0xFFFF
    3. After erasing on sector, and before issue the erase command for next sector, please make sure the FSM STATUS is cleared.

    I don't have any problem to erase the bank1 of LS31x device.