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TM4C1294NCPDT: Can not use xEventGroupCreate() to creat EventGroup used the TI enet_s2e project Demo(FreeRTOS)

Part Number: TM4C1294NCPDT

Hi, TI teams,

I used the EK-TM4C1294XL TM4C1294 Connected LaunchPad Board to do experiment, I reference the , I import the enet_s2e project in CCS, I want to use it to do some experiment because it has FreeRTOS and lwip stack.

There are two issues need your help,

1. Can not use xEventGroupCreate() to creat EventGroup in enet_s2e FreeRTOS project Demo.

I want to add a EventGroup between two tasks, I reference the , 

I add the "#define configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION    1" in FreeRTOSConfig.h, but how to add the event_groups.c in CCS?

the CCS has errors as below,

unresolved symbol xEventGroupCreate, first referenced in ./radarwatchdog_task.obj
unresolved symbol xEventGroupWaitBits, first referenced in ./radarwatchdog_task.obj

So I take this issue for your help.

2. How to change the "heap_2.c" to "heap_4.c" in CCS?

I want to use the heap_4.c to manage the FreeRTOS memory , because it could recovery the memory fragmentation. but I do not fine the config about it.

I am looking forward for you reply.



  • I won't be any help with FreeRTOS as we have moved our support to TIRTOS. However, you are asking a simple Code Composer Studio question.  There are several ways to add a file to the CCS project. A simple way is to open a File Explorer window and point to the directory containing heap_4.c. (C:\ti\TivaWare_C_Series-\third_party\FreeRTOS\Source\portable\MemMang) Now drag and drop the file "heap_4.c" into the MemMang folder of the Project Explorer window of Code Composer. You will get an option of copying the file to the project, or linking the file to the project. (Use copy if you plan to make any modifications.). Now you have to remove "heap_2.c". You can do this by right clicking on the file in the Project Explorer window and choosing "Exclude from Build".