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TMS320F28388S: Simulate CPU1 Reset

Part Number: TMS320F28388S

Hello Champs,

If the code "SysCtl_simulateReset(SYSCTL_CAUSE_CPU1RSN);" is added to simulate CPU1 reset, in CCS debug mode when running, it will display:

But if download the codes into flash and then run standalone, reset will occur correctly.

Why is there this kind of difference for reset between debug mode and standalone mode? Would you please help?


Best Regards,

  • Hi Linda,

    When debugger is connected, after reset device boots as per emulation boot and if that is not set correctly then after reset CPU will get stuck in ROM and that is why it is showing this message. BOOT ROM chapter in TRM has detail on how to set the emulation boot. Please refer same and set the proper boot setting to have this working.


    Vivek Singh

  • Hello Vivek,

    Would you please suggest how to set correctly to let CPU not get stuck in ROM? Thanks!

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Linda,

    It is good to test with code in flash only because entry point for RAM is different. Once you have code in flash you can connect to CCS and then follow below step to run it with reset -

    • After connecting to CCS, issue debug reset from CCS.
    • Write 0xA500 at address 0xD01
    • Click on run

    This should emulate standalone boot meaning running the device like no debugger connected. Hope this helps.


    Vivek Singh