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INSTASPINFOCMOTORWAREGUI: Motorware code structure

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MOTORWARE

Im confused about handles within the code for INSTASPIN MOTORWARE projects. Im sure its a c programming thing I am not understanding. Hope you can help me understand.


When using spinTAC components in lab13.c

 ST_Handle stHandle;

We go back to declaration within ccs5.5 and it takes us here 

typedef struct _ST_Obj_ *ST_Handle;

But when looking for _ST_Obj_ There is not struct by that name. I have tried search the whole project. I have a few questions

  1. Where are its members?
  2. What is this doing and how is this used?

Also stHandle is passed in here

inline void ST_setupPosConv(ST_Handle handle) {

// get object from the handle
ST_Obj *obj = (ST_Obj *)handle;

How does this work when passed into the example function above?

  • ST_Obj is defined in a few of the header files in motorware_[version]\sw\solutions\instaspin_motion\src

    You'll have to look at which specific file is #included in your project, but it's likely spintac_position.h.
