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C2000WARE-MOTORCONTROL-SDK: What is the purpose of 2 HAL MTR Handles?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE

The C2000Ware Motor Control SDK 3.03 provides a HAL_Obj struct type within hal_obj.h:

typedef struct _HAL_Obj_
    uint32_t adcHandle[2];      //!< the ADC handles
    uint32_t adcResult[2];      //!< the ADC results

    uint32_t timerHandle[3];    //<! the timer handles
    uint32_t sciHandle;         //!< the SCI handle
    uint32_t linHandle;         //!< the LIN handle
    uint32_t canHandle;         //!< the CAN handle
    uint32_t i2cHandle;         //!< the I2C handle

    uint32_t spiHandle[2];      //!< the SPI handle

    uint32_t dmaHandle;         //!< the DMA handle
    uint32_t dmaChHandle[4];    //!< the DMA Channel handle

    HAL_MTR_Handle mtrHandle[2];      //!< the motor control interface handle
} HAL_Obj;

It contains an array of 2 handles of type HAL_MTR_Handle. What is the purpose of having 2? Are there any examples of how this can be used? Could this theoretically be used to run a 2nd motor?