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TMS320F28379D-Q1: Need EMI shielding for TMS320F28379D-Q1

Part Number: TMS320F28379D-Q1

Hi Team,

Can you help confirm whether EMI shielding is needed for TMS320F28379D-Q1? Any guideline for EMI noise reduction? Thank you.

Best regards,


  • The F28379D device itself will not emit enough EMI to cause concern. Now if you route your traces in such a way that a good antenna is formed, and run a high switching GPIO on this line, then yes you will absolute have issues. But I would argue that this is bad PCB design, and would occur with any signal or MCU, Ie. not a characteristic trait of the C2000 device.

    Typically as long as you have good ground return paths then you will not have problems with any signals coming from the C2000. If you are designing with high power electronics, particularly high DV/DT signals, then you need to be more concerned about your systems EMI emissions.

    There should be many resources on the internet covering the design and layout of power electronics, but the C2000 device itself should not be of particular concern.


  • Hi Cody,

    Get it, thanks for the support on this.

    Best regards,
