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Hi expert,
Customer wants to configured Lin in Sci mode, but they found the data reception interrupt cannot be entered.
They located the reason in RXENA and TXENA cannot be written to 1.
Below is the configue code:
they also tried bit field method. but still not work.
And I alos tried the demo code in C2000ware, it can not set these bits to 1, either.
Could you kindly help to give some suggestion?
Hi Emma,
How do you know that bit is not getting written? Can you send me the memory dump or the screenshot of the LINA regs memory space?
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Emma,
Looks like the register view is not read correctly. Can you please read in the memory browser address 0x6A04 when you execute those functions and see if they are getting updated or not?
Best Regards,
it is the screen shot which I test lin_ex2_sci_loopback in C2000ware.
it can run correctly and run into the interrupt. however, The TXENA and RXENA are not set, either.
so what the real function these bits for ? it seems the register is not updated correctly but they are already enabled. Am I right?
I found the register is not updated correctly, and the memory broser is correctly. I will open another thread for other lin questions.