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LAUNCHXL-F28069M: LED D9 lighting up and DSP heating and loosing connection to CCS

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-F28069M
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE

Hello, i've just received the F28069M yesterday, powered up the board and runned an Example code from C2000Ware. In a first moment the board connected to CCS and i could debbug the code, but after some minutes, the DSP started to get REALLY hot, and the connection get lost. So i've tried to contact Technical support, and they advised to post a question in E2E forum stating my problem.


When i turn the launchpad on, the demo application starts and both D9 and D10 starts to blink. After some seconds, only D9 keep on, getting brigthter as the dsp gets warmer. At this point, i can still connect the board to CCS and debug the Example code, but after a little time the board starts to heat up untill the connection gets lost.


Board was with JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4, JP5 and JP7 connected (only JP6 off) and S1 in ON-ON-ON position, just as it comes from the box;

Example code was "Example_2806xEPwmUpDownAQ.c";

The only external connection to the board was an osciloscope probing J4.1 and J4.2 pins (EPWM1A) or 3V3 rail (Not at the same time, scope only have 1 channel). The 3V3 rail drop to under 2V when the device get really hot, and in this point the board loses connection.