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I noticed that motor is getting into maximum speed while alignment procedure is in effect and motor is moving manually.
Please tell me if there is possible solution for resolve this issue.
Can I use both FOC and MOTION in this case ?
I noticed that motor is getting into maximum speed while alignment procedure is in effect and motor is moving manually.
What do you mean this? Can you have a detailed description about this?
Which lab are you using?
Can I use both FOC and MOTION in this case ?
InstaSPIN-Motion includes the FOC for motor drive.
I am using encoder(1024) with 5 pole pair BLDC motor , running in velocity control mode.
For that I am using lab12C, the problem happens at startup while alignment procedure is running and i am rotating motor by hand.
In user.h USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (10.0). i am using peak current (less then peak current but actually its not nominal current) here, because of high torque requirement.
Estimated values @ 10A :
USER_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH_SCALE i have set to (140.0) , Now with these values my application meets, but i am facing issues at startup.
You need to run lab02b and lab12a to identify the electrical parameters and inertia of the motor for running the other labs.
USER_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH_SCALE could be a little bit higher.
Any load is adding on the motor? And do you set the enough USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT to make sure that the rotor is aligned for the encoder offset calibration when start to run the motor.
Yes i identify those parameters with lab12a, lab02 i used for motor parameters estimation Rs, Rd, Ls_q ,Ls_d Flux.
Grater than 140. USER_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH_SCALE , motor is vibrating.
There is no load to the shaft. only wheel is mounted to the shaft.
USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT i set to 1.0 , its trying to calibrate and move once. Initially i set the SpeedRef_krpm = 0.0, so i am able to see the calibration .
Thanks for your suggestion,
Increasing the value of USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT is solving my issue, Its just simply increasing duty for motor initialization.
I still have a doubt if it will happen again.
what should be the maximum value i can set for USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT ?
As mentioned above, to set the right USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT to make sure that the rotor can be forced to zero position for the encoder offset calibration.
20%~50% of the rated current that depends on the motor and the adding load.