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TMS320F28375S: Reading analog values of both inputs of a differential pair.

Part Number: TMS320F28375S
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG

We have configured ADCB inputs for differential sampling such that ADCIN0/ADCIN1 form one pair and ADCIN2/ADCIN3 form the second pair. ADCIN0 and ADCIN1 are at same voltage level (1.25) in the absence of any signal. So a differential reading will be close to 0 Volts. If both inputs go bad at the same time for e.g. both are shorted to Vdd or Vss then the differential pair will again read close to zero. It is therefore a requirement that for diagnostic/self test readings from both the analog inputs of the differential pair be measured and displayed. This needs to be done during initial system power up. For normal operation only differential readings are required. Please guide if there is some method for reading both analog inputs of a differential pair. One solution that comes to my mind is to configure additional SOCs for sampling individual analog inputs and enabling trigger source. Once the readings are done then these SOCs can be disabled by disabling the trigger source. Let me know if there is a better and more efficient way.

  • Hello Asad,

    If you are just doing this for diagnostics it would be okay at your start up to use single-ended mode to do conversions and verify the readings from both analog inputs. Then you can decide based on the readings whether there is a hardware fault or continue with differential mode configuration.

    Best regards,

    Omer Amir

  • Thank you Omer. Actually all my peripherals initialization/configuration code is generated using the SysConfig tool. So for the particular case of ADC as you have mentioned, it will require manual configuration of the ADCs: initially as single ended mode and then for differential mode. If there is no other way then I will proceed with your suggestion.

  • Hello Asad,

    Yes, using the SysConfig tool you can initially configure it to be single-ended and the change it within your program code to be differential. I believe this is the easiest way. The only other solution I see is having separate ADC inputs for the signals that are configured for single-ended mode, which test before the rest of the program is run (although this requires additional connections, so it may be safer but more complex).

    Best regards,

    Omer Amir