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TMS320F280049-Q1: Memory read content mismatch in CCS and Uniflash

Part Number: TMS320F280049-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH

Dear Champs,

I am asking this for our customer.

The user found the memory read out content by CCS 12.0 and Uniflash 8.0 does not match.

Why? Is this a Uniflash bug?

Note that in this case, the user did use CCS 12.0 and Uniflash 8.0 to unlock first and the unlocking process was successful for both.

CCS 12.0 (The result seems correct)

Uniflash 8.0 (The result look incorrect because some of the content are 0x0)

  • Hi Wayne,

    There is no any bug in the tools regarding this.

    Are both snapshots taken from the same device?

    Can you share the console log for both instances with unlock procedure?

    Thanks and regards,


  • Dear Vamsi,

    Yes, they are taken from the same device.

    This is why we are confused.

    Below are their console logs.

  • Hi Wayne,

    Can you check if there is any difference in the gel file between the two tools?  Should be same.  Just in case if they changed any.

    Edit update: I asked our tools team to take a look at this post.  If they conclude it is not related to the tool, then they will assign back to us.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Dear Vamsi,

    The user is not familiar with the gel files, and they just use the default CCS/Uniflash settings.

    Would you please ask the one who is familiar with .gel files to examine them?


  • Wayne,

    If they did not change any, then that's fine.

    Our tools team will get back to you.

    Please expect delays due to the thanks giving holiday week.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Wayne,

    I'm suspecting that the issue is that UniFlash is automatically disconnecting to the device after the unlock operation, so that when the customer goes and reads the memory in the Memory view, the device is locked again.

    Can you recommend to the customer to turn on the "Remain Connected after operations" checkbox before performing the Unlock? The option is located at the top right corner when you click on "C28xx_CPU1".

    Please let me know if the behaviour is different after turning on this feature, performing the unlock, and browsing the memory afterwards.

