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TMS320F2809: F2809 alternates/downgrades and issues to look out for

Part Number: TMS320F2809
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F2808


My PCB assembler is having a hard time finding parts (like everybody else) and I was looking for pin compatible alternates to the F2809.

My assembler has a quantity of the F2809 parts (LQFP 100 14mm x 14mm package) used on a board with two applications. One application requires less flash/ram. To extend the number of boards we can make I was looking for a pin compatible option to the F2809 where I would not need to redesign the board.

The easy answer I think is the F2808. The F2808 is in the same family datasheet as the F2809. The smaller F280x options are too small unless I cut out features which would make me get marketing involved. I did some searching and the only issue I found to keep in mind was ADC clock of the F2809 is 2x of F2808 so if  I downgrade I would need to look at that. I would appreciate any  experience or notes anybody had on moving a project from the 2809 to the 2808. Even a "yes, it possible, not a big deal" to confirm the approach would be helpful. I have already purchased a TMDSCNCD2808 TMS320F2808 controlCARD to prove out this effort. (My embedded links don't seem to work. This is the post about the F2809/F2808 with the 2x ADC clock: )

Also it looks like the F28044 is pin compatible to the F2809. The eval board listed on the F28044 product page has a F2808 on it  (TMS320F2808 controlCARD) which to me is a good indication the parts are compatible. Can anybody confirm the F28044 is pin compatible to the F2808/F2809? Any issue to watch out for when migrating?

Also if there were any other pin compatible parts to the F2809 with at least the ram/flash of the 2808 i missed I would appreciate any options out there. If their was a TI resource (besides generic searching the forums/product pages) that was available that would be helpful.

Thanks for your time,


  • Bill,

              Here are the differences:

    Feature 2809 2808 28044 Comments
    Flash size 128 KW 64 KW 64 KW You need to determine if 64 KW is enough
    RAM 18 KW 18 KW 10 KW You need to determine if 10 KW is enough
    HRPWM channels 6 4 16
    ADC Conversion time 80 ns 160 ns 80 ns
    SPI 4 4 1
    SCI 2 2 1
    eCAN 2 2 0

    Note that the PWM is slightly different on 2809/28044 compared to the ones in 2808. Please see page 46 of

  • Thanks for the feedback.
