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TMS320F280049-Q1: CCS real-time debug for images with a bootloader and an application

Part Number: TMS320F280049-Q1

Dear Champs,

I am asking this for our customer.

The user can use CCS real-time debug for their application-only image programmed on flash.

That is, they can program the application image first onto the flash, run it, and then connect JTAG (without reset), load symbol, and then use CCS real-time debugging function.

However, they found when they firstly programmed a bootloader image, then they fail to use real-time control.

Bootloader starts at 0x80000 (flash entry point) and then jump to application at 0x82000.

There are two projects/images bootloader.out and application.out here.


1. Do you have any comment how they use real-time debug for their application debugging if they firstly have bootloader image on 0x80000?

2. If they can combine both booloader.out and application.out into one integrated all.out, and then load symbol by this all.out, can they use CCS real-time debugging?
