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TIDM-02009: SR Mode 0 , 1 and 2 details

Part Number: TIDM-02009
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDM-02000


I'm investigating the modes of operation of SR at PSFB CDR topology.

I saw that TI implemented different SR modes.

Mode 0 as no SR's are driven. SRs are only driven at diagonal overlap instants at Mode1. Mode2 is as driving SRs other than overlap. They depend on rated load value.

I understood that driving SRs at light load might be not efficient at overall.

1) Also, driving SRs in DCM - it can be work as boost topology when there is no energy in output inductors. It might be dangerous. Could you please confirm?

2) However, I couldn't understand why there is MODE 1. I think that MODE 2 is superior than MODE 1 and there should be no need to MODE1. Could you please explain in details? Why do we need MODE 1?

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Gokhan,

    I agree with you on only mode 2 makes sense for the CDR topology. The mode 1 code is left over code by sharing the control code base with TIDM-02000, which is having the center tap secondary topology. We only support mode 2 for the TIDM-02009 topology. Thanks.
