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TMS320F280039C: PMP41006-1-kW CCM TotemPole PFC and Current Mode LLC Reference Design for open loop condition

Part Number: TMS320F280039C


I'm trying out a TMS320F280039C controlCARD in PMP41006-1-kW CCM TotemPole PFC and Current Mode LLC Reference Design.

When I adjusted the switching frequenicy at open loop condition from main.syscfg. I have two quentions as below:

1. The switching frequency is changed of primary side and SR side. But the duty didn't change of SR side. Please see the waveforms as below

How to adjust the duty of SR side?

CH3: Pri side singal  / CH2: SR side singal

2. How to adjust dead time from main.syscfg ? I didn't see any can adjust dead time function.

Best Regards,