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TMS320F280049-Q1: device resetting randomly , FLUNCERR = 1 error in flash

Part Number: TMS320F280049-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH

Hi everybody , 

I program my device using UNIFLASH ,  and my code  in same cases can do flash programming .

now randomly on few devices  I can see them resetting randomly .    I checked  and  saw  the FLUNCERR  = 1   so it seems a flash no correctable  error .

I m programming myself  ECC when writing w API .

some questions :

- how can I properly  detect  the flash address/locations  causing   the error  ?   I want to understand if failing location is the same on all devices 

-how to detect if more than one location is failing ?

-do you have any sw example  to cause this kind of error  ? so I can try to force and reproduce the issue   and see if it is the root cause of my random resets   

- do you have any suggestion / info on be sure I use properly Uniflahs and  not causing the problem myself ?

any suggestion or test to run ?

thank you 

