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TMS320F28379D: TZ synchronous PWM

Part Number: TMS320F28379D

Hi Team,

There's an issue from the customer need your help:

Hello, please ask what is the delay of TZ pin synchronizing PWM, is this delay related to the cycle of EPWM, the PWM counting period I set now is 20nsTZ pin to PWM synchronization delay has 170ns Want to ask is there a way to solve this? Thank you

I used the TZ2 pin before, now I switch to the TZ1 pin, its synchronization time is reduced from 170ns to 45ns, may I ask what this could be?

Thanks & Regards,


  • Hi Ben, 

    We tested this out on our end and were unable to reproduce the delay you are seeing so far. If you turn off synchronization, do you still see the same delay? There is an inherent 25ns delay for the trip to take effect (described in the datasheet) as well some delay from InputXBAR and GPIO synchronization. 

