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TMS320F28377S-Q1: Load Fail in CCS / Uniflash

Part Number: TMS320F28377S-Q1

Hi Dear Friends,

I am using XDS110 Debugger to load SW to FLASH of TMS320F28377S-Q1. In fresh/new MCU, I can flash SW. However, after the first load, MCU cannot respond to any debugger connection.

The errors are listed in the Console below:

C28xx_CPU1: Error occurred during flash operation: Timed out waiting for target to halt while executing wr_pll.alg
C28xx_CPU1: Error writing the PLL values (Flash algorithm timed out). Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: Perform a debugger reset and execute the Boot-ROM code (click on the RESUME button in CCS debug window) before erasing/loading the Flash. If that does not help to perform a successful Flash erase/load, check the Reset cause (RESC) register, NMI shadow flag (NMISHDFLG) register and the Boot-ROM status register for further debug.
C28xx_CPU1: File Loader: Memory write failed: Unknown error
C28xx_CPU1: GEL: File: X:\ProjectDestination Load failed.

I have tried in both "Wait Boot Mode" & "Get Mode" configurations of BOOT MODE Pins. The same errors are in both configuration

Do you have any clue how to solve the issue?

Best Regards 
