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TMS320F2810: section 'codestart' at 03f7ff6h falls in unconfigured memory

Part Number: TMS320F2810

Dear TI Team,

I get this warning since a long time and wondering if it is a problem, or we can ignore it.

I checked our cmd file with the ones in the CCS folders, and it should be ok, also the CodeStartBranch.asm seems fine.

Pls advice,


    PAGE 0 : 	  
       BOOT(R)     : origin = 0x3E8000, length = 0x000080	  /* */
       FLASHE      : origin = 0x3E8080, length = 0x007F7F     /* on-chip FLASH Program   */
       FLASHC      : origin = 0x3F0000, length = 0x004000     /* on-chip FLASH Program   */
       FLASHB      : origin = 0x3F4000, length = 0x002000     /* on-chip FLASH Program   */
       FLASHA      : origin = 0x3F6000, length = 0x001F7F     /* on-chip FLASH Bootloader*/	
       PROG(RWX)   : origin = 0x3F8000, length = 0x001FFF     /* RAM Bereich für Code (ramfuncs) */   
       CSM_RSVD	   : origin = 0x3F7F80, length = 0x000076	  /* Area for CSM enable */
       RESET       : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002     /* part of boot ROM (MP/MCn=0) or XINTF zone 7 (MP/MCn=1) */   
       BEGIN       : origin = 0x3F7FF6, length = 0x000002     /* Part of FLASHA.  Used for "boot to Flash" bootloader mode. */
       CSM_PWL     : origin = 0x3F7FF8, length = 0x000008
    PAGE 1 : 
       /* SARAM                     */     
       M0RAM(RW)   : origin = 0x000000, length = 0x400
       M1RAM(RW)   : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x400
       L0L1RAM(RW) : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x2000
       /* Peripheral Frame 0:   */
       DEV_EMU    : origin = 0x000880, length = 0x000180
       FLASH_REGS : origin = 0x000A80, length = 0x000060
       CSM_REGS   : origin = 0x000AE0, length = 0x000010
       XINTF      : origin = 0x000B20, length = 0x000020
       CPU_TIMER0 : origin = 0x000C00, length = 0x000008
       CPU_TIMER1 : origin = 0x000C08, length = 0x000008		 
       CPU_TIMER2 : origin = 0x000C10, length = 0x000008		 
       PIE_CTRL   : origin = 0x000CE0, length = 0x000020
       PIE_VECT   : origin = 0x000D00, length = 0x000100
       /* Peripheral Frame 1:   */
       ECAN_A     : origin = 0x006000, length = 0x000100
       ECAN_AMBOX : origin = 0x006100, length = 0x000100
       /* Peripheral Frame 2:   */
       SYSTEM     : origin = 0x007010, length = 0x000020
       SPI_A      : origin = 0x007040, length = 0x000010
       SCI_A      : origin = 0x007050, length = 0x000010
       XINTRUPT   : origin = 0x007070, length = 0x000010
       GPIOMUX    : origin = 0x0070C0, length = 0x000020
       GPIODAT    : origin = 0x0070E0, length = 0x000020
       ADC        : origin = 0x007100, length = 0x000020
       EV_A       : origin = 0x007400, length = 0x000040
       EV_B       : origin = 0x007500, length = 0x000040
       SPI_B      : origin = 0x007740, length = 0x000010
       SCI_B      : origin = 0x007750, length = 0x000010
       MCBSP_A    : origin = 0x007800, length = 0x000040
       /* Allocate Peripheral Frame 0 Register Structures:   */
       DevEmuRegsFile    : > DEV_EMU,    PAGE = 1
       FlashRegsFile     : > FLASH_REGS, PAGE = 1
       CsmRegsFile       : > CSM_REGS,   PAGE = 1
       XintfRegsFile     : > XINTF,      PAGE = 1
       CpuTimer0RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER0, PAGE = 1      
       CpuTimer1RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER1, PAGE = 1      
       CpuTimer2RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER2, PAGE = 1      
       PieCtrlRegsFile   : > PIE_CTRL,   PAGE = 1      
       PieVectTable      : > PIE_VECT,   PAGE = 1
       /* Allocate Peripheral Frame 2 Register Structures:   */
       ECanaRegsFile     : > ECAN_A,      PAGE = 1   
       ECanaMboxesFile   : > ECAN_AMBOX   PAGE = 1
       /* Allocate Peripheral Frame 1 Register Structures:   */
       SysCtrlRegsFile   : > SYSTEM,     PAGE = 1
       SpiaRegsFile      : > SPI_A,      PAGE = 1
       SciaRegsFile      : > SCI_A,      PAGE = 1
       XIntruptRegsFile  : > XINTRUPT,   PAGE = 1
       GpioMuxRegsFile   : > GPIOMUX,    PAGE = 1
       GpioDataRegsFile  : > GPIODAT     PAGE = 1
       AdcRegsFile       : > ADC,        PAGE = 1
       EvaRegsFile       : > EV_A,       PAGE = 1
       EvbRegsFile       : > EV_B,       PAGE = 1
       ScibRegsFile      : > SCI_B,      PAGE = 1
       McbspaRegsFile    : > MCBSP_A,    PAGE = 1
       /* 22-bit program sections */
       .reset   : > RESET,   PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
       .pinit   : > FLASHE,	 PAGE = 0
       .cinit   : > FLASHE,	 PAGE = 0
       .text    : > FLASHE,	 PAGE = 0
        csm_enable : > CSM_RSVD, PAGE = 0
        codestart : > BEGIN       PAGE = 0
        ramfuncs  : LOAD = FLASHB, RUN = PROG, PAGE = 0
        secValid  : LOAD = 0x3F5FFA, PAGE = 0
       /* 16-Bit data sections */
       .const   : > FLASHE, PAGE = 0
       .bss     : > M0RAM, PAGE = 1
       .stack   : > M1RAM, PAGE = 1
       .sysmem  : > M0RAM, PAGE = 1
       /* 32-bit data sections */
       .ebss    : > L0L1RAM, PAGE = 1
       .econst  : > FLASHE, PAGE = 0
       .switch  : > FLASHE  PAGE = 0      
       .esysmem : > L0L1RAM, PAGE = 1
       CsmPwlFile : > CSM_PWL,     PAGE = 0     /* CSM Password Locations */
       .boot > BOOT
        	-l../../../../Cpu\TMS320F2810\rts2800_ml.lib <boot.obj> (.text)
       support LOAD = FLASHB, RUN = PROG, PAGE = 0
       		-l../../../../Cpu\TMS320F2810\Bootloader\Flash2810_API_V210.lib (.text)
       		-l../../../../Cpu\TMS320F2810\Bootloader\Flash2810_API_V210.lib (.econst)

  • CodeStartBranch.asm

        .ref _c_int00
        .sect "codestart"
        LB _c_int00

  • map file

    *          0    003f7ff6    00000002     
                      003f7ff6    00000002     CodeStartBranch.obj (codestart)

  • Hello -- can you provide more information about what is producing this error and its inputs?  For example, I would expect the hex utility (hex2000) to produce this error if something is placed in a region outside of the ranges specified under the ROMS directive given to the hex utility.  I would not expect the linker itself to produce this error.

  • you are right: it comes from the hex2000 utility, which is processed directly after the build. Because we want a file without boot section, the warning is OK. Many thanks!