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F28M36P63C2: EPI external SRAM memory usage issue

Part Number: F28M36P63C2
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28388D,

External EPI interface SRAM, its starting address is 0x300000. How can I write a program so that it is as convenient as using the internal memory of the device? And can dynamic malloc and free memory be used in this memory as the stack space of the function? 


Thanks & Regards

  • How can I write a program so that it is as convenient as using the internal memory of the device? 

    Once the EPI is properly configured and correctly defined in the linker command file, from that point on, it is no different than using the internal memory, from a programming perspective.

    And can dynamic malloc and free memory be used in this memory as the stack space of the function? 

    Yes. Note, however, that from a performance perspective, memory connected to EPI may not be as fast as internal RAM, which operates at 0-wait states. 

    On a different note, if this is a new project, you could encourage customer to look at our newer devices. Most of them are more powerful and have better features/peripherals, often at a lower price. The suggested replacement part for F28M36P63C2 is TMS320F28388D.