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TMDSCNCD28388D: eCAN configuration

Part Number: TMDSCNCD28388D
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE, TMS320F28388D

I am trying to configure the eCAN module on the TMDSCNCDF28388D control card but there is no activity seen on the GPIO pins 30,31. My setup includes the control card mounted on a breakout board, the CANRx and CANTx pins are connected to a transceiver, and the output high/low are connected to a PCAN-USB adapter that is connected to my PC.

I am running the example program can_ex5_transmit_receive given in the c2000_ware directory (without making any changes). The program doesn't seem to be loading past the void main() SW breakpoint when started debug and continues running without any output when resumed. 

It also displays two other points on the debug console: (have attached a screenshot for reference)

  • _args_main() at args_main.c:137 0x00834A
  • _c_int00() at boot2.asm:264 0x0080D0 (_c_int00 does not contain information)
I have checked other questions similar to mine and the answers suggest following the debug strategies given here. Since I am quite new to CCS, the instructions are quite difficult to understand. For example, I do not know how to check if the clock to the CAN module is enabled or if writes to the CAN register are going through. 

I have also tried using Simulink by following this documentation but there is no output visible on the GPIO pins or the PCAN-View software

Please do provide any other detailed documentation or video that I can refer to for this issue.