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TMS320F2800132: TIDA-010087

Part Number: TMS320F2800132
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-010087, ADS131M08
                    We want to change to design guide of TIDA-010087 to match our requirement , so please help to suggest how to deal with the following items:  (We just need on channel)
                 1, We don't use the external AD conversion, so how to take over these parameters by internal A/D conversion?  Then SPI moduel is also needed; 
                 2, How to change the IC Chip from present one to 2800132 in the project?
  • Hi Mr Zhang,

    • Internal ADC is programmed to measure the input voltage of the buck converter. You can similarly program other channels of ADC to measure output current and voltage. You can check a similar design that uses internal ADC (TIDM-DC-DC-BUCK).
    • All device specific functions are in hal.c and hal.h files. You need to modify these files for F280013x.



  • Mr Zhang,

    There are some migration guides available for F28003x, F28002x and F280013x. Let us know if this helps.



  • Shaury:

                I have one more question:  in the Design Guide: TIDA-010087, 

                ISR4 is triggered by the DRDY (Data Ready) Signal of the ADS131M08, and this ISR,  runs the current and voltage control loop functions; So it needs to read the A/D results for Isense and Vout; 

                ISR7 is triggered by SPI receive FIFO interrupt and to read the external ADC data from FIFO registers ;

           So what's the relationship and difference between the ISR4 and ISR7? And where to set the trigger for ISR7 in the software? My understanding is when DRDY is set, then ISR4 will exectue  getting  the external A/D results; It seems ISR7 does same thing. 

  • Hello Mr. Zhang,

    ISR4 is triggered by DRDY. This ISR doesn't read ADC conversion results. It writes the ADC read command to the SPI TX FIFO buffers, and execute the control loop functions with previous ADC readings. It doesn't wait to get external ADC results.

    ISR7 is triggered by when SPI receives ADC data frame. It updates ADC data to global variables.

    Let us know if there are any additional questions.



  • Hi,Shaury:

             For the Design Guide: TIDA-010087, could you please to confirm if my understanding is right ? : in the sub-routine of BT4CH_HAL_setupPwmSyncBuck(BT4CH_EPWM_BASE_CH1), EPWM will trigger the internal ADC in the HRPWM_enableADCTrigger(EPWM_BASE, EPWM_SOC_A), with the frequency of 192K/15 = 12.8k;  Once the internal ADC is triggered, void BT4CH_HAL_setupIntAdc() will be exectued to measure Iout and Vsense;  Each ADC conversion end will produce interrupt and then update the ADC result; 

             Another question: in this design guide, I just see the Buck converter, if we want to conbine the boost , namely boost the battery voltage to the input voltage, how can we do? If set the control loop with PID is enough?


  •          For the Design Guide: TIDA-010087, could you please to confirm if my understanding is right ? : in the sub-routine of BT4CH_HAL_setupPwmSyncBuck(BT4CH_EPWM_BASE_CH1), EPWM will trigger the internal ADC in the HRPWM_enableADCTrigger(EPWM_BASE, EPWM_SOC_A), with the frequency of 192K/15 = 12.8k;  Once the internal ADC is triggered, void BT4CH_HAL_setupIntAdc() will be exectued to measure Iout and Vsense;  Each ADC conversion end will produce interrupt and then update the ADC result; 

             Another question: in this design guide, I just see the Buck converter, if we want to conbine the boost , namely boost the battery voltage to the input voltage, how can we do? If set the control loop with PID is enough?


  • Hi Zhang,

    Yes, EPWM triggers the internal ADC.

    If you want to regulate the HV side (12V), you need to sense the 12V and modify the feedback loop. The reference design in both charge and discharge modes regulates battery current and voltage. It doesn't regulated 12V.

    Yes, PID is good enough if you only want to implement boost mode. I would recommend to use peak current mode control as demonstrated in TIDM-DC-DC solution.

    Let us know if you have any other question.

