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TMS320F28388S: TMS320F28388S: Using ADC to GPIO.

Part Number: TMS320F28388S

Hello Team,

Is it possible to utilize ADC pins in an MCU as digital input pins?

If it's feasible, what additional considerations do I need to focus on when using ADC pins as digital input pins?

  • Hello Praveen,

    It's possible to use the ADC pins as digital input pins, you will need to read the digital value and use a proper threshold (based on your reference voltage value and the digital conversion value) to determine if the ADC reading should be a 1 or a 0.

    If it's feasible, what additional considerations do I need to focus on when using ADC pins as digital input pins?

    The considerations I would make sure to observe are reducing sources of noise (there shouldn't be an extreme necessity for this, since converting to a digital value means you'll have some margin of error) and making sure to follow the Electrical Characteristics table in the datasheet regarding voltage levels for digital pins (see section 7.6):