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TMS320F280041-Q1: Any difference between C-macro 300.0/500.0 and division by C28x

Part Number: TMS320F280041-Q1

Hi BU, 

Customer wants to know if there any numerical difference between C-macro 300.0/500.0 (the division will be done by compiler) and same division by C28x FPU? 



  • Hello Will,

    Customer wants to know if there any numerical difference between C-macro 300.0/500.0 (the division will be done by compiler) and same division by C28x FPU? 

    To clarify, are you asking for a comparison in the value which is stored to memory or a comparison of the timing? The value stored to memory should be identical (floating-point for our devices follows the IEEE standard, this does not change just because you use a macro). The timing of the two is not something that's comparable, since one is done at compiler-time while the other is done at runtime.