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Hi. I have tried to include this library files in many different ways, but I am not able to resolve the error. This gets resolved only when I add the physical files inside my project directory. Am I doing something wrong?
The library file I am trying to include here is driverlib.lib. I have attached the build log for reference.
**** Build of configuration Debug for project DLIB_TEST2 **** "C:\\ti\\ccs1250\\ccs\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k -j 16 all -O Building file: "../main.c" Invoking: C2000 Compiler "C:/ti/ccs1250/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.1.LTS/bin/cl2000" -v28 -ml -mt --float_support=fpu32 --tmu_support=tmu0 --vcu_support=vcrc --include_path="C:/ti/ccs1250/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.1.LTS/include" --include_path="C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib" --include_path="C:/CCS/TEST/DLIB_TEST2" --include_path="C:/CCS/TEST/DLIB_TEST2/misc" -g --diag_warning=225 --diag_wrap=off --display_error_number --gen_func_subsections=on --abi=coffabi --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="main.d_raw" "../main.c" Finished building: "../main.c" Building target: "DLIB_TEST2.out" Invoking: C2000 Linker "C:/ti/ccs1250/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.1.LTS/bin/cl2000" -v28 -ml -mt --float_support=fpu32 --tmu_support=tmu0 --vcu_support=vcrc -g --diag_warning=225 --diag_wrap=off --display_error_number --gen_func_subsections=on --abi=coffabi -z -m"" --stack_size=0x200 --warn_sections -i"C:/ti/ccs1250/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.1.LTS/lib" -i"C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug" -i"C:/ti/ccs1250/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_22.6.1.LTS/include" --reread_libs --diag_wrap=off --display_error_number --xml_link_info="DLIB_TEST2_linkInfo.xml" --rom_model -o "DLIB_TEST2.out" "./main.obj" "../F280033_flash_lnk.cmd" "C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" -llibc.a -l"C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" -ldriverlib.lib -l"C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" <Linking> warning #10373-D: library "C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" contains ELF object files which are incompatible with the TI-COFF output file. Ensure you are using the proper library. warning #10373-D: library "C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" contains ELF object files which are incompatible with the TI-COFF output file. Ensure you are using the proper library. warning #10373-D: library "C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" contains ELF object files which are incompatible with the TI-COFF output file. Ensure you are using the proper library. warning #10373-D: library "C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" contains ELF object files which are incompatible with the TI-COFF output file. Ensure you are using the proper library. warning #10373-D: library "C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" contains ELF object files which are incompatible with the TI-COFF output file. Ensure you are using the proper library. warning #10373-D: library "C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" contains ELF object files which are incompatible with the TI-COFF output file. Ensure you are using the proper library. warning #10373-D: library "C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" contains ELF object files which are incompatible with the TI-COFF output file. Ensure you are using the proper library. warning #10373-D: library "C:/ti/c2000/C2000Ware_5_01_00_00/driverlib/f28003x/driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib" contains ELF object files which are incompatible with the TI-COFF output file. Ensure you are using the proper library. undefined first referenced symbol in file --------- ---------------- _GPIO_setAnalogMode ./main.obj error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "DLIB_TEST2.out" not built >> Compilation failure makefile:139: recipe for target 'DLIB_TEST2.out' failed gmake[1]: *** [DLIB_TEST2.out] Error 1 makefile:135: recipe for target 'all' failed gmake: *** [all] Error 2 **** Build Finished ****
Hi Ashwin,
is it possible to send the project in zip format for further analysis?
It should be something related to the include files or some different settings in the project properties.
Meanwhile i can suggest you have a look at the Empty driverlib project in the C2000Ware SDK. You can try developing your custom codes using it.
Let me know your view on this.
Hi Ashwin,
I have checked your project properties, and in the compiler flags, there is a setting added to COFFABI. Currently we are supporting EABI format. Once i have updated the COFFABi to EABI, it was building fine.
--abi =coffabi to --abi=eabi
Please make this change from your and see if it resolves your issue.