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I am trying the example hrpwm_ex3_prdupdown_sfo which is similar to what we are trying to do in the project I am working on (We are using HRPWM for variable frequency control of an LLC).
I modified the example to change, in debugging, the fractional part of the “count” variable. Another differece is that the dev board (TMDSCNCD28P65X controlCARD) was modified to select the 20MHz as clock source.
Running the example happens the follow:
For some values of the variable "periodFineCustom" (so for some value of TBPRDHR) I saw jitters on PWM. I attached a screen of the oscilloscope (EPWM1A: yellow, EPWM1B: pink) and a screen of the corresponding debug view (where you can see also the code modification).
To be honest I read also this post: "TMS320F280049C: Jitter when using HRPWM Period Control" and I tried the suggestion described there in my project but the jitters are still present. Then I tried the example as I described above and again the jitters are present.
What do you think is the root cause?
Thank you in advance,
Hi Simone,
Doesnt look like jitter on the scope. Looks like two waveforms overlapping or running in continuous mode.
Did you take this scopeshot by stopping the scope plot or was it still running ?
Reason being that there are two distinct waveforms and not the same waveform going up and down
Hi Prarthan,
thanks for your reply, the graph on the oscilloscope was running.
The wave is actually the same in two different times, I attach other screens from the oscilloscope if I stop the acquisition instead.
I took a screenshot of two near period, when the signal is high. In the first you can see a duration of about 251ns, the next period, instead, has an higher duration:
If you don't stop the acquisition you can see the following image where you can see the different duration (7ns, seems about the duration of a tick):
It seems that the whole period is larger (compared to the previous, in the same trace I mean):
Best regars,
The wave is actually the same in two different times
I didn't quite understand your question here.
Please capture two cycles of same waveform in one shot and show the difference between times using cursor.
I took a screenshot of two near period, when the signal is high. In the first you can see a duration of about 251ns, the next period, instead, has an higher duration:
What is difference between two screenshots shown above ?
I captured two cycle of the same waveform in one shot, here you can find the time difference:
The period is longer because it is longer the time when the signal is high:
When I say that the waveform is the same at two different times I mean that the square wave is generated with EPWM1 peripheral and the value of the configuration registers does not change but, as you can see in the screenshot, I found that sometimes the period changes. So, in the screenshot, the first cycle has a duration of 500ns and the second cycle has a duration of 508ns. The main difference is that, in the second cycle, the square wave is high for a longer time.
Hi Simone,
Understood, the configurations remain same but the output (period, duty) changes as measured on the scope.
Are you sure the period and compare values are never changed ? original example changes duty and period in the for loop
Also If the application has enabled high-resolution period control (HRPCTL[HRPE]=1), the duty cycle must not fall within the restricted range; otherwise, there can be undefined behavior on the ePWM output. Please make sure the min and max duty cycle restrictions are honoured
Yes, I verified what you suggested.
To do a check, I tried to modify the main of the example as follows and the problem is still present. You can try to execute it to reproduce the problem.
float32_t periodFineCustom; float32_t count; uint32_t compCount; void main(void) { uint16_t i = 0; // // Initialize device clock and peripherals // Device_init(); // // Disable pin locks and enable internal pull ups. // Device_initGPIO(); // // Initialize PIE and clear PIE registers. Disables CPU interrupts. // Interrupt_initModule(); // // Initialize the PIE vector table with pointers to the shell Interrupt // Service Routines (ISR). // Interrupt_initVectorTable(); // // Calling SFO() updates the HRMSTEP register with calibrated MEP_ScaleFactor. // HRMSTEP must be populated with a scale factor value prior to enabling // high resolution period control. // while(status == SFO_INCOMPLETE) { status = SFO(); if(status == SFO_ERROR) { error(); // SFO function returns 2 if an error occurs & # of MEP } // steps/coarse step exceeds maximum of 255. } // // Disable sync(Freeze clock to PWM as well) // SysCtl_disablePeripheral(SYSCTL_PERIPH_CLK_TBCLKSYNC); // // Initialize EPWM GPIOs and change XBAR inputs from using GPIO0 // Board_init(); // // Enable sync and clock to PWM // SysCtl_enablePeripheral(SYSCTL_PERIPH_CLK_TBCLKSYNC); // // Enable Global Interrupt (INTM) and realtime interrupt (DBGM) // EINT; ERTM; EALLOW; HWREGH(myEPWM1_BASE + HRPWM_O_HRPCTL) |= 0x1; EDIS; periodFineCustom = 0.1f; count = 20.0f; compCount = (uint32_t)((count * 256.0f) + (float32_t)(periodFineCustom * 256.0f)); // Equal to 0x00001419 HRPWM_setTimeBasePeriod(myEPWM1_BASE, compCount); HRPWM_setCounterCompareValue(myEPWM1_BASE, HRPWM_COUNTER_COMPARE_A, (compCount >> 1u)); // Equal to 0x000A0C00 for(;;); }
Hi Simone,
I haven't gotten chance to try this yet. I will try out this week and get back to you.
Hi Simone,
Apologies, I haven't tried your example
Meanwhile can you try downloading this lib - SFO_v8_fpu_lib_build_c28_driverlib_eabi.lib
Try running the example again with the updated lib for the SFO.
I just tried the new lib and it solved the problem. Is it included in the latest version of C2000 Ware? (For now we use in our projects).
Thank you very very much for your help
Hi Simone,
Yes we will release this fix in next c2000ware release which should happen pretty soon maybe end of the month.
I would advise to always use the latest c2000ware, because we are always updating and providing fixes in consecutive releases