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TMS320F28374D: CLA code with overlay

Part Number: TMS320F28374D


Hi all,

I have a software which has multiple work modes.

The code uses either CPU and CLA. As the CLA part is splitted in many functions which I use according the current working mode.

But memory available for CLA is constrained (only LS space), I would like to know if it is possible to define an overlay?

As I only use a couple of CLA function in each configuration, the idea is to load the corresponding functions for the actual working mode.

My CLA function are named as follow:y

  • CLA1ModeA_xxxx : all CLA functions used for mode A
  • CLA1ModeB_xxxx : all CLA functions used for mode B
  • etc.

My CLA sections are defined as follow in the linker file:

   Cla1Prog         : LOAD = FLASHG,
                      RUN = RAMLS1_5,
                      PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4)
   CLAscratch       :
                     { *.obj(CLAscratch)
                     . += CLA_SCRATCHPAD_SIZE;
                     *.obj(CLAscratch_end) } >  RAMLS0,  PAGE = 1

   .scratchpad      : > RAMLS0, PAGE = 1
   .bss_cla         : > RAMLS0, PAGE = 1
   .const_cla	    : LOAD = FLASHG,
                      RUN = RAMLS0,
                      PAGE = 1

How do I have to change this to use overlay with UNION and GROUP?

    } load = FLASHG, LOAD_START(_taskA_load_start), SIZE(_taskA_size)
    } load = FLASHG, LOAD_START(_taskB_load_start), SIZE(_taskB_size)
} run = RAMLS1_5, RUN_START(_task_run_start)

Thanks for any help.

Best regards


  • Hi Fabrice,

    I would suggest keeping the CLA memory allocations the same in the linker cmd file and adding #if statements around each function to check which working mode is chosen. You can add a #define to refer to which working mode is being run and #if statements could check for this.

    For example, you could have:

    #define WORKING_MODE 1

    #if WORKING_MODE == 1

    //include function definitions for CLA1ModeA_xxxx functions


    #if WORKING_MODE == 2

    //include function definitions for CLA1ModeB_xxxx functions


    You could also alternatively include predefined symbols for each working mode and wrap the functions in #ifdef statements.

    This way, the compiler won't actually allocate CLA memory for functions that aren't needed in the current working mode. Let me know if this would be a viable solution for you.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Delaney,

    Thanks for your input, but this is not really what I want to do.

    Using defines means having multiple compiled version. The CLA routines are "static" and I can not change the configuration "on the fly".

    Want I want to do, is to have all the CLA routines compiled and stored in FLASH but only load the functions group I need in RAM according to boot configuration.

    Best regards,


  • I found myself a solution which seems to work.

    It is quiet simple: use #pragma CODE_SECTION to move wanted functions into a specific code section!

    For example:

    #pragma CODE_SECTION(Cla1ModeATask1, "Cla1ModeA");
    __interrupt void Cla1ModeATask1() {... }

    #pragma CODE_SECTION(Cla1ModeATask2, "Cla1ModeA");
    __interrupt void Cla1ModeATask2() {... }


    #pragma CODE_SECTION(Cla1ModeBTask1, "Cla1ModeB");
    __interrupt void Cla1ModeBTask1() {... }

    #pragma CODE_SECTION(Cla1ModeBTask2, "Cla1ModeB");
    __interrupt void Cla1ModeBTask2() {... }

    And then in the linker file

    // mode specific functions
            Cla1ModeA : {}
        } LOAD = FLASHG, LOAD_START(_Cla1ModeALoadStart), SIZE(_Cla1ModeALoadSize)
            Cla1ModeB : {}
        } LOAD = FLASHG, LOAD_START(_Cla1ModeBLoadStart), SIZE(_Cla1ModeBLoadSize)
    } RUN = RAMLS1_5, RUN_START(_Cla1OptionsRunStart), PAGE = 0
    //Cla1Prog contains the common code
    Cla1Prog    : LOAD = FLASHG,
                  RUN = RAMLS1_5,
                  PAGE = 0, ALIGN(4)