TMS320F28035: TMS320F28035

Part Number: TMS320F28035
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5171


Moving faithfully from MSP430F5171, with wich i have done many projects, to a more powerful processor, i have encountered a lot of issues at the very beginning.

Downloaded C2000 ware and Control Suite, every example loaded on CCS does not work. It has a lot of errors. It seems that included files do not fit.

CCS is upgraded. Compiler version is TI.v21.6.1.LTS.

So I do not know how to begin with this micro and i need help.

Last update. Following youtube video, i have updated compiler, restarted  and when i import a project it says "compiler definition not available"

  • Hello,

    Looks like you have been using MSP430 and are now switching to C2000. The first question I have is: Did you install C2000 support for CCS? A quick way to tell is if you can create a new project or create a new target configuration for any C2000 target. If you can't, then likely it is not installed. You can install it by rerunning the original CCS installer for the version you have and selecting the directory of your existing install. The installer will detect an existing CCS install and allow you to make changes to it like installing additional device support.



  • Hy ki. I have done a brand new install un another PC, please read my upgraded posts


  • Ok, let's close this thread and discuss further on the new one.