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Hello team,
Here i want to add my 2 observations with TBPHSHR register for High-Resolution Phase shift.
Microcontroller i'm using :- TMS320F280039C
My current configurations in sysconfig are as per below
Time Base Clock Divider: - Divide clock by 1
High Speed Clock Divider:- Divide clock by 1
Time Base Period - 1000
Counter Mode:- Up - count mode
For my EPWM Peripheral:- EPWM3 Sync-in source is EPWM4 sync-out signal.
currently we are having Phase shift resolution of 0.36(360 degree/1000).
when i am using ePWM functionality of phase shift by Enabling Phase Shift Load by giving Phase Shift value, i am achieving required desired phase shift between EPWM3 and EPWM4.
1) now i want to use the HRPWM for achieving High-Resolution Phase shift.
Configurations in sysconfig done as per below
when i build the project, then in generated files -> board.c -> Board_init function is generated in which EPWM_init function is called in which HRPWM_setPhaseShift function is called.
As expected i should get 0x0064 in TBPHS register and 0x2800 in TBPHSHR register.
if we see it in degree then that means 36 degree (0X64 IN TBPHS Register) which should give 833 ns Phase shift between EPWM3 and EPWM4 and from TBPHSHR Register (0x2800) i.e. 40 is number of MEP STEP and 1 MEP STEP is 180 ps that means 7.2ns (0.31 Degree). i am expecting here total 36.31 degree. But my observation is quiet stranger. when i am checking PWM Phase Shift between EPWM3 and EPWM4 there is Zero degree Phase shift.
is there anything i am missing in configuration?
2) As i am not able to get desired phase shift with above configurations, so i am not enabling HRPWM from sysconfig and instead i am using HRPWM_setPhaseShift function in code simply.
for example, if i call HRPWM_setPhaseShift function with (0x6428), that means i am expecting 36.31 degree (Phase shift between EPWM3 and EPWM4 should be of 840.2ns). but only 36 degree phase shift shift we are getting remaining 0.31 degree phase shift still we are not getting despite of using HRPWM for High-Resolution Phase shift. here we are expecting 840.2 ns but we are only achieving 833 ns. the finite resolution for remaining fraction part we are not achieving even though after using HRPWM_setPhaseShift function along withHRPWM_enablePhaseShiftLoad.
also we checked for HRPWM_setHiResPhaseShiftOnly as well, but it didn't worked.
we have taken no. of different tests to verify the same and we found that we are not able to get the finite resolution for remaining fraction part with HRPWM functionality.
Is there any more functions we need to include or anything we are missing let me know.
Thank you.
Hi Shirish,
Sorry for the delay, I will take a look at the query and respond by tomorrow.
Hi Shirish,
For HRPWM phase shift we also need to enable epwm phase shift as well as HRPWM phase shift in sysconfig
Include the EPWM_enablePhaseShiftLoad() also along with HRPWM and have some non-zero phase shift in and have a non-zero value in phase shift for sync in.
Hello Prarthan,
For HRPWM phase shift we also need to enable epwm phase shift as well as HRPWM phase shift in sysconfig :- as shown in in attached snap shot this is already done and checked, and i've already included EPWM_enablePhaseShiftLoad() also along with HRPWM and have non-zero value in phase shift, but its not working as expected.
Hi Shirish,
Attaching the project I used with F28003x control card. I modified the EX1 project for TBPHSHR
When you change just the TBPHSHR you will see that the EPWM3 is moving.
There are two things in sysconfig I had change the MEP edge control mode and TBPHS writing when using the HRPWM is enabled. You can see that I wrote those after Board_Init()
Second is the phase shift of TBPHSHR is opposite to TBPHS so adjust TBPHS and TBPHSHR accordingly to get the desired value, thread attached here :
Third is make sure your oscilloscope is capable for high resolution else you wont see the exact resolution, we recommend 500Mhz scope but atleast 200Mhz can give you required resolution
Please let us know if you are not able to see above scope shot behavior.
Hello Prarthan,
Thanks for your reply, We have tried your Example code and have following observations:
Observation 1:
Is my understanding correct that if the Epwm1(Master) and Epwm3 (Slave) and is in Leading Phase shift with following configurations:
The phase shift should be 20ns - 6ns = 14ns and we have got 1.7ns. Can you please Clarify if this is the correct understanding?
Is it the case that 1 coarse is divided by 255. So, in the above Example, 10ns/255 = 0.03921ns.
and with this step the TBPHSHR is applying the Phase shift.
Observation 2:
PWM mode: Up count Mode.
TBPRD: 1000
Ttbclk = 8.33ns
0 |
10 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
100 |
150 |
200 |
250 |
1 |
9.44ns |
9.52ns |
9.8ns |
10.48ns |
10.80ns |
10.96ns |
12.48ns |
14.12ns |
15.6ns |
17.12ns |
2 |
970ps |
1.16ns |
1.52ns |
1.80ns |
2.08ns |
2.76ns |
4.16ns |
5.56ns |
7.04ns |
8.76ns |
3 |
7.3ns |
7.6ns |
6.7ns |
6.480ns |
6.280ns |
5.64ns |
3.84ns |
3.48ns |
1.2ns |
1.12ns |
4 |
15.9ns |
15.8ns |
15.32ns |
14.60ns |
14.08ns |
13.96ns |
12.92ns |
10.6ns |
9.88ns |
8ns |
With every 10 steps we should get the Phase shift of 150ps*10steps = 1.5ns (as for 39C Controller 150ps is the Typical step size), but it is observed that we are getting Phase shift of ~320ps with every 10-step increase.
Also, In HRPWM although there are maximum 255 MEP steps, Is it case that maximum valid no. of MEP steps = 1 coarse step time / 150ps? If yes, then what if we give TBPHSHR value beyond that?
for example,
MEP step size = 150ps
1 coarse time = 15ns
No. of MEP steps(within 15ns) = 100.
what if the TBPHSHR value is above 100, Is it valid?
Hi Tejas,
Since we are using AUTOCONVERSION, MEP_ScaleFactor (Number of MEP steps per coarse step) is in the HRMSTEP register. HRMSTEP value is calculated by SFO.
But the TBPHSHR value scales from 0-0xFF(255), such that when you enter 0xFF in TBPHSHR you would scale it to one full coarse period ~8.33ns for 120Mhz EPWMCLK
Hence for other values it scales the input TBPHSHR value considering that 255 steps is equivalent to the HRMSTEP value