Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDM-02013
Hi Champ,
I am asking for my customer on implementing interleaved CRM PFC.
There are two epwm sets, epwm1 as main set, and epwm2 as interleaved set.
epwm2 has a T/2 delay with epwm1, and the inductor current waveform is shown below.
Red waveform as epwm1, and blue waveform as epwm2.
(Figure inductor current)
In this app. note (SPRACX0) single phase CRM PFC implementation, epwm1 time base is sync. when the CMPSS1 event occurs with DC submodule (DCAEVT1.sync), logically speaking with interleaved epwm configuration, epwm2 time base should also be sync. when the CMPSS2 event occurs with DC submodule (DCAEVT2.sync).
To add the T/2 delay requirement on epwm2 (T/2 delay with epwm1), EPWMxSYNCI should be used here to synchronize the time-base counter with the counter of epwm1 module, right ? Is the interleaved set epwm2 supposed to be configured in such for interleaved CRM PFC ? not really sure the actually topology actives like such.
Do we have any experience to implement interleaved CRM PFC epwm configuration?
Thanks and regards,