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TMS320F280039C: boot mode

Part Number: TMS320F280039C
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE



1. In the TRM, I have a question about the boot mode.

In my understanding, for this example:

when the input of GPIO0 and GPIO1 is high, the boot mode is SPI boot(BOOTDEF3),

when the input of GPIO2 is high, the boot mode is flash boot(BOOTDEF4).

The BMSP0-2 equal to the bit0-2, when the input is high, then the bit is 1, otherwise the bit is 0.

Is my understanding correct?

2. If we only need secure boot mode, and the entry address is 0x80000, we can set the configuration as follow:

But what is the function of default mode if I configure as above picture?

  • Hello,

    1. Yes, that's correct. You can think of it as a look-up table of sorts, where the BMSPs index & select a table of BOOTDEF values.
    2. If the OTP is not programmed, then the Device Default Boot Modes are used to select which boot mode the device enters. I've highlighted the relevant part of the boot flow (see Figure 4-3 of the TRM) for when this happens. 



  • Thank you for your suply.

    1. When the boot mode unsupported, the next step of Flash Boot will go to enable watchdog as marked with red arrow?

    2. How to understand the difference "Branch to Application Code" and "Branch to Flash Entry Point"?

  • Hi,

    When the boot mode unsupported

    What do you mean by unsupported? The next step before branching to application code or flash entry point is to enable the watchdog. I'm afraid that your image is unable to load on E2E. 

    How to understand the difference "Branch to Application Code" and "Branch to Flash Entry Point"?

    In the scope of this diagram:

    • "Branch to Application Code" refers to the peripheral bootloaders contained in the Boot ROM.
      • You can view their source files in the C2000ware SDK at: libraries\boot_rom\f28003x\rev0\rom_sources\F28003x_ROM\bootROM\source
    • "Branch to Flash Entry Point" refers to any applications you may have programmed into the flash.



  • Thank you, Matt

    1、I upload the image again.

  • Hi,

    Yes, before it branches to the flash entry point or application the boot ROM will enable the Watchdog.

