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TMDSHVBLPFCKIT start up with virgin F28035 Control card

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSHVBLPFCKIT, CONTROLSUITE

I have a new  TMDSHVBLPFCKIT  that unfortunately did not have the F28035 Control Card included.  But the good news is I do have a F28035 Control Card and experimenters board. I would like to program my control card with the standard code that is used wit the Brushless PFC kit. 

Question(s) -

Where do I get the standard the Brushless PFC firmware ?

What is the easiest way to program the controlcard, with the PFC main board or Experimenters board ?

I will be using CCS V4.x


Thanks for the help

Dave Johnson


  • Dave,

    It's a brand new kit and didn't have a F28035 included? Sometimes its at the very bottom of a slit in the foam and can be hard to dig out. If it isn't there, let me know your email address and we can get one sent to you.

    All of the Bridgeless PFC software (and hardware docs) are a part of controlSUITE, simply download it and install. You'll find the .out file for the GUI as well as the example project and documentation.

    As for programming the card, either way will work, the emulation on the BLPFC board and Experimenter's board are identical.



  • Having trouble connecting PFC GUI to the F28035.  I believe I have the F28035 programmed correctly, but cannot get the GUI to connect.  I am using the Experimenter board first just to confirm GUI/DSP connectivity.


    Any Advice ?


  • Dave,

    I believe, as you wrote in a separate email, that you were able to resolve this GUI connect issue.
