I am writing CLA code in assembly and our CPU code in C++. As I proceed, the contents of memory are being defined and relevant structures created. To avoid errors, it would be very helpful if there was a tool which would convert structures which have been defined in the C++ world into structures which the assembly language tools can understand. Does such a tool exist?
Thank you,
Hi Ed,
To clarify, you want a way to reference variables declared in your c code via assembly code? Just clarifying what you mean by "structures"
Thank you,
Hi Luke,
What you described would be the ideal. But a utility which converts the C structures to the assembly equivalent would work as well.
By "structures", I mean data structures defined by "struct" and "union".
Thank you,
Hi Ed,
I'm not sure this utility exists but I'll reassign this thread to our software team which may be able to confirm.
Thank you,
Please search the C28x assembly tools manual for the chapter titled Sharing C/C++ Header Files With Assembly Source.
Thanks and regards,