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TMS320F28377D: Cannot work with XDS110

Part Number: TMS320F28377D


Hi team

Customer now update their emulator from XDS100V3 to XDS110 the target MCU is F28377DZWTT, it works well with XDS100V3, but ccs always report -233 issue with XDS110, I use 2 kind of XDS110, XDS110 on LP and ISO-XDS110, attached is customer's JTAG port HW setup, below is the debug progress:

XDS110 on LP:

I connect GND TMS and TCK to XJ1 pin 12/ 1/ 11, set ccxml to cJTAG 2 wire advanced mode, lower the CLK to 1Mhz, click test connection, CCS report -233 error.

I connect GND TMS and TCK to XJ1 pin 12/ 1/ 11 and pull XJ1 pin2 TRST to 3.3V, with previous setting, click test connection, CCS report -233 error.

I connect GND TMS and TCK to XJ1 pin 12/ 1/ 11, pull XJ1 pin2 TRST to 3.3V, replace the TRST resistor with 10k Ohm, click test connection, CCS report -233 error.


I connect the 3.3V power supply with XJ1 pin5 to IO_TGT_V to power up the isolator and see the red LED is turned on

I switch the S1 to cJTAG and connect GND TMS and TCK to XJ1 pin 12/ 1/ 11, set ccxml to cJTAG 2 wire advanced mode, lower the CLK to 100Khz, CCS report -233 error.

I switch the S1 to cJTAG, connect GND TMS and TCK to XJ1 pin 12/ 1/ 11, pull XJ1 pin2 TRST to 3.3V, replace the TRST resistor with 10k Ohm, lower the CLK to 100Khz, click test connection, CCS report -233 error.

I switch the S1 to cJTAG, connect GND TMS and TCK to XJ1 pin 12/ 1/ 11, leave TRST in 0V, replace the TRST resistor with 10k Ohm, lower the CLK to 100Khz, click test connection, CCS report -233 error.

I switch the S1 to JTAG and connect TMS TCK TDI TDO to XJ1 pin 1/11/3/7, pull XJ1 pin2 TRST to 3.3V, replace the TRST resistor with 10k Ohm, lower the CLK to 100Khz, click test connection, CCS report -233 error.

I switch the S1 to JTAG and connect TMS TCK TDI TDO to XJ1 pin 1/11/3/7, leave TRST in 0V, replace the TRST resistor with 10k Ohm, lower the CLK to 100Khz, click test connection, CCS report -233 error.

I also connect the ISO-XDS110 with F280039LP and F280049LP, it can work well with the 2 devices in cJTAG 2pin mode.

Then I checked the Pin allocation of XDS110 14pin and XDS100V3 14pin, it seems there is no TCK_RET and TRST, is there something that I need to pay attention?

