The F28027.cmd file for running a BLDC motor using UART commands with the TMS320F28027 and DRV8301 is showing errors. How can these errors be resolved?
Please download the latest MotorWare version (1_01_00_18). The cmd file you used should be changed to increase the Flash size according to the datasheet since you add your code to cause the assigned flash size is not enough.
BTW, you are using the wrong .cmd file that is not as the original one in the example lab in motorWare.
Hi Yanming Luo
How to increase the flash size
Description Resource Path Location Type #10010 errors encountered during linking; "proj_lab11.out" not built proj_lab11 C/C++ Problem #10099-D program will not fit into available F28027.cmd /proj_lab11 line 130 C/C++ Problem gmake: *** [proj_lab11.out] Error 1 proj_lab11 C/C++ Problem gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors. proj_lab11 C/C++ Problem #10247-D creating output section ".cio" without a SECTIONS proj_lab11 C/C++ Problem
As mentioned above, you can refer to the version of the motorWare that should be ok.
Seems like you add too much variable as well. You can take a look at the training material below about file.
Hi Yanming Luo
I installed the latest MotorWare, but the same issue is still occurring.
You add too much variables in this example. Please don't define "CSM_ENABLE" and optimize your code to reduce the variables.
Or you can assign the variables you added to "D_RAML0".
#pragma DATA_SECTION(variables Name,"vib_buf_data");
You can search such topics on E2E or take a look at the training material about how to change the .cmd file to assign the memory size according to the devices.
Hi Yanming Luo
I searching E2E or training manual. I changed also , but error not solved. I kindly request how to solve these errors. Let me know.
Please try to change as mentioned above. We can't access Google drive to download and upload the code.
Hi Yanming Luo
"How can I project a zip file sent to you? Could you please suggest a way?"
Please try to do this and just post the cmd file on E2E as mentioned above. We can't access any external drive for files exchange.
As mentioned before, please take a look at the C2000 training session about .cmd for memory assignment. Just need to increase the RAM for variable, or reduce the variable you added. I don't think you need to share the whole project at here with me.
You need to increase or change the RAM assignment in the .cmd file according to the device. You can search this on C2000 E2E about how to do this for a specific device. Or optimize your code to reduce the memory usage.