I'm looking for a CopySection ASM file for ELF. We was using "DSP28xxx_SectionCopy_nonBIOS.asm" from "SPRAAU8A: Copying Compiler Sections From Flash to RAM on the TMS320F28xxx DSCs" for COEF and need the same file but for ELF now.
Hi Gennadi,
Please have a look at the Flash to RAM Project examples from c2000Ware SDK from a different device. This example is a Flash to RAM example that demonstrates how to start a program in Flash and then run certain functions from RAM.
Also please have a look at similar thread - (6) TMS320F28377D: How to copy to RAM from Flash - C2000 microcontrollers forum - C2000︎ microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums
Hi Aswin,
thank you for the answer. Unfortunately it doesn't resolve my issue. What I want to do, is to copy ALL the bootloader from FLASH to RAM and run it from RAM to be able to update the bootloader itself. It was possible with COEF compilation with help of "DSP28xxx_SectionCopy_nonBIOS.asm" file. But now we are using ELF compilation and I'm looking for a file like "DSP28xxx_SectionCopy_nonBIOS.asm" but for ELF. I already changed this file manually to copy all ELF linker sections, but it doesn't work properly. It could be, that I forgot some section (ELF specific) or something like this.