TMS320F2800157: Overcurrent Fault at RPM > 2000 in Torque Mode (Current control mode)

Part Number: TMS320F2800157


  1. Hello,

I am working on implementing torque mode (current control mode) using the TMS320F2800157 microcontroller and a 48V encoder-based mid-drive motor (5 pole pairs). I am modifying the Universal Motor Controller Code to achieve the required torque in BL4 by controlling Id and Iq. 

Currently, I can achieve stable torque (21 Nm) up to 2000 RPM, but beyond that, I am encountering a module overcurrent fault. For RPM value such as 2250 RPM (max torque required is 18Nm), I’m setting Id = -30, Iq= 120. As I start applying load, I’m increasing the Iq current gradually. I’ve observed that when the load is applied beyond 5 Nm, the motor is fault stopping due to module over current fault. Iq current was increased upto 150A. Below are the key settings and observations:

  • USER_MAX_VS_MAG_PU = 0.75
  • DC Bus Voltage = 48V
  • PI Gains for Current Control (Kp, Ki) are tuned based on initial testing
  • Overcurrent fault occurs as speed increases beyond 2000 RPM


  1. What would be the possible reason for module over current fault and what motor parameters are required to consider to avoid this fault.
  2. Would increasing USER_MAX_VS_MAG_PU to 0.8 or 0.85 help avoid overcurrent issues at higher RPMs?
  3. Should I adjust field weakening (Id reference) dynamically beyond 2000 RPM to maintain torque control? Right now I’m decreasing Id reference from -10 to -40, setting Iq reference value between 95-110 A
  4. Are there other parameters in Universal Motor Controller Code that I should consider modifying to prevent overcurrent faults?

Any insights or suggestion would be of great help.

Best Regards,

Prabhakaran CP.

  • Hi Prabhakara,

    What is the max rated speed of your motor? It should have a speed / torque profile with inverse relationship too.

    Have you tried running with speed loop so that you don't have to control the torque command directly?

    Should I adjust field weakening (Id reference) dynamically beyond 2000 RPM to maintain torque control? Right now I’m decreasing Id reference from -10 to -40, setting Iq reference value between 95-110 A

    Field weakening is intended to achieve higher speeds but with lower torque output.

    Overcurrent fault occurs as speed increases beyond 2000 RPM

    I suggest using a current probe and collecting waveforms when the OC condition occurs to debug the issue further.

