TMS320F28P650DK: Byte transfer issues between the development kit and TwinCat3

Part Number: TMS320F28P650DK
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LAUNCHXL-F28P65X


I created the cia402 stack according to the manual, using SSCV5.12, and I found the following problem when debugging with LAUNCHXL-F28P65X: I wrote a 32-bit data through the CCS debug window, but I observed a byte movement of the data via TwinCAT. As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 below.

What is the reason for this? Thank you so much!

  • Hi Hui Chen,

    I have not seen this issue before and am not certain the cause. The 'ObjPositionActualValue' object is handled as part of Beckhoff's stack code (not TI's). It seems the data is left shifted 16-bits on TwinCAT side. I wonder if there's some mapping issue or issue related to the SWAPDWORD() function used in the SW.

    If I figure out something or have some other ideas I will let you know.

