Hello everybody,
This is going to be a little difficult to process, so please all the question you need to troubleshoot the issue.
The background:
I our company we use the SysConfig generation in command line so it can be integrated on CI/CD, and as you might suspect we have many versions of C2000Ware and CCS for our local projects.
Those versions of CCS and C2000Ware are installed not directly in C but in another custom location (C:\My\Custom\Location).
The problem scenario:
The command line being run is the following one:
C:\My\Custom\Path\Compose_Studio_IDE\12.3.0-00005-1\data\ccs\utils\sysconfig_1.15.0\sysconfig_cli.bat -s "C:\My\Other\Custom\Path\C2000Ware\4.01.00-00-3\data\.metadata\sdk.json" --script ./../../10_Common/03_Config/ccs/sysConfigs/appConfigs_BOOSTER/C2000.sysconfig --device "F28003x" --output ./../../02_DSP_BOOSTER/01_Sources/app/06_MCAL/Board/gen
As you may see here the sysconfig is using the version instead of the one we are prompting on the batch command.
And furthermore, this error happens just in some computers but the setup is the same in all of them.
Any ideas why this bat file is not taking the SDK I give it in some cases and in others it is taking it correctly?