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PID_Grando_V3 with F28069 exp kit for PMSM custom motor

Expert 1800 points


I am at level 4 of PMSM sensorless control with F28069 experimental kit.  This had PID Grando V3 control.   Initially tried to keep Ki and Kd to Zero but was not successful.  There is not output for PWM's at all.

Set the Kp to 0.005; Ki = 0.00005; Kd = 0/T.  Able to slowly rotate the custom PMSM motor with default reference values i.e., Idref = 0 and Iqref = 0.2.   However the Id and Iq feedback values are not following the ref value i.e., Id varies from 0 to 0.3 and Iq varies from -0.5 to 0.5.  Further its take long to stablise and keeps raising till the processor hangs.  Need to reboot it again.

Have the following queries

   1) Why I need to set Kd to default 0/T.  If I am right this is infinity.

   2) What's the recommended range of gains for Kp,Ki,Kd i.e., between 0 to 1 or 1 to 100.  Its not mentioned in the module data sheet.

Pl suggest the best way to set the Kp gains so that the system settles faster and responses to dynamically changing situations.

thx & rgds