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Device held in RESET

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28069


I'M trying to flash a new program, but I get the folowing error:

C28xx: Trouble Reading Register ST1: (Error -1137 @ 0x6) Device is held in reset. Take the device out of reset, and retry the operation. (Release 5.0.429.0)
C28xx: GEL: Error while executing OnReset(1): Target failed to read the register ST1.

How could I take the device out of reset?



  • Monica,

    Which device are you working on? On certain C2000 devices like (Piccolo) we have on chip voltage regulator which has BOR (Brown out reset) and POR (Power out reset). If your VDDIO (or) VDD goes below threshold voltage it can generate RESET.

    I would start with probing XRSn signal from the DSP. This signal should be PULLED HIGH inorder to have DSP out of reset. Also, proceed with checking your VDDIO and VDD voltage levels.



  • Got one more point to add, please check whether you have recommended capacitor values on VDDIO and VDD. Spurious noise in these supply could cause BOR trip and hence reset.
  • Hi!

    I've checked the voltage. THe values are: VDD=1.2V and VDDIO = 1.8V.

    I've tried pulling XRS high (3.3V) and I got a message in Debug Window:

    Device Calibration not complete, check if device is unlocked and recalibrate.

    What could I try next?



  • And on the other board that I have held in RESET, the voltages are VDD=1.9V  and VDDIO=3.3V. I've tried pulling high XRS but I still get the error:

    Device Calibration not complete, check if device is unlocked and recalibrate.

  • Monica,

    Which device are you working with?

    In most of C2000 devices, we generally need to have VDD around 1.8v and VDDIO around 3.3v. Based on you VDDIO / VDD values, you are clearly working out of specs.

    Please check the electrical specifications of your device datasheet.



  • Hi!

     I use TMS320F28069. On one of the boards the voltage is in the range, but still I can't connect to erase the flash. What should I do?


  • Monica,

    If I were you, I would check the following:

    1) Try SDConfig to check whether emulator passes JTAG scan chain test

    2) Check whether XRSn pin is pulled high, if so what voltage? Generally in TI, we externally pull up XRSn pin.

    3) Check whether VDDIO and VDD are in valid operating condition? Make sure there is spurious voltage fluctuations on these voltage rails

    4) Is your internal voltage regulator enabled?

    5) Check whether i/p clock is fed to the device?

    Hope this helps!

