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clarification on the TMS320F28044 device PWM capabilities

Hi all,


I have a question on the pwm capabilities of this the F28044 , from my understanding we can output 16 independant pwms output whihc can be standard pwms or HR PWM

In the datasheet ,they mentioned that this devcie has 16 epwm modules but what is not clear for me is that for the description of the epwm module we talk about 2 output PWMA and PWMB

IS there something wrong ?PWMB is it available or not?

Does the control card of the F28044 can be pin to pin comaptible with the control card of the F2808?


Thanks for your feedback





  • Greg,

    F28044 has 16 ePWM modules, ePWM1 through ePWM16.  On each ePWM module, only the A output is pinned out.  You can see this in the pinnout diagrams in the datasheet.  Also, each A output is hi-resolution.

    The F28044 was designed specifically for digital power supply control.



  • Adding to David's response -

    The F28044 supports two configurations for the ePWM outputs.  Take a look at the GPAMUX1 description (page 84 of TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x System Control and Interrupts Reference Guide SPRU712).  Notice that there are two possible mappings for the ePWM pins.

    1) if GPAMCFG[EPWMMODE] = 0, then you can bring out six ePWMs (ePWM1 to ePWM6) with both A and B channels

    2) if GPAMCFG[EPWMMODE] = 1, then you can bring out the A channel ONLY of 16 ePWMs (ePWM1 to ePWM16).

    The 28044 is the only device with the EPWMMODE bit.


  • Lori,


    Thanks for this feeback, but if we we are using the first mode it means that we have only 6 ePWMS module with channels A and B and 4 Additional epwm modules with PWM A outputs.Correct?


    DOes this is equivalent to the F2808 where we have 6 EPWM module + 4eCap which provide 4PWMS signals but in the case of the F28044 the capture mode is not available.

    DO you confirm?


    Tahnsk and rgds



  • Gregory,

    As you see in section 4-2 of the D/S, 


    00 Mode (F2808 mode)16xPWM modules can be configured for F2808 mode supports PWMA and B channels - HRPWM  capable only on the PWMA channel.


    11 mode with dedicated 16 channels of PWMA channels with HRPWM feature for all.

    best regards,
