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I am creating new project. And after compiling, loading and running code in debug mode the error message " Device blocked debug access because it is currently executing non-debuggable code " is appeared on the screen. This is the problem I faced mostly when new project is created. What can be the problem?
These are the some settings of CCS projects.
- device support / f2802x / v125/ DSP282x_Common / Cmd / F28027.cmd file is used.
- device support / f2802x / v125/ DSP282x_Heades / Cmd / DSP2802x_Headers_nonBIOS.Cmd is used
interrupt settings are
EALLOW; // This is needed to write to EALLOW protected registers
PieVectTable.TINT0 = &MainISR;
EDIS; // This is needed to disable write to EALLOW protected registers
// Enable PIE group 1 interrupt 7 for TINT0
PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.all = M_INT7;
// Enable CPU INT1 for TINT0:
IER |= M_INT1;
// Enable Global realtime interrupt DBGM
include options are
Device is f28027 piccolo micro and system clock is 60Mhz.
Hi Rasit,
This error has to do with realtime access to the processor. The processor can block realtime - if you select "rude retry" then it will let the accesses from Code Composer take place.
For more information on realtime through CCS please see:
Also, I would like you to include "F2802x_GlobalVariableDefs.c" file to your project, that can be found here:
Refer the docs available here:
Hello Rasit,
Is there any SCI setting (GPIO28 and GPIO29) on your project (maybe by default they set as SCI)?
I also faced that error message when there was contention between GPIO28 and GPIO29 as SCI and with UART that used by the debugger/PC (actually this is contention from the board).
What board that you use for F28027? Also is it onboard XDS100 that you use for debugging?
If you use Launchpad-F28027, there is switch S4 to resolve this problem:
If your problem is considered from something else, please give us more detail that maybe we can help.
Best regards,
Dear Maria ,
I am using card designed by me. I also check GPIO28-GPIO29 pins they are set as SCI RX-TX pins in software but I am not using SCI comm. and in the card hardware these pins are not connected somewhere.
By the way I am triying to solve problem. Very interesting things happens. I import the project in the adress
device support/ f2802x / V210 / f2802x_examples / adc_soc
I compile, load and run the adc_soc program using the same hardware. Error message "Device blocked debug access because it is currently executing non-debuggable code" is not seen. I checked ADC register everything seems OK. Real time mode works as expected. ADC register refresh occurs in watch window.
Then I try to reference this project to solve problem. Before this I again compile, load and run my project then I didint see any problem. Error message is not seen. I didint make any changes in the software and hardware. Just I import and load -run adc_soc project then I switched to my project.
I decided that If I can run the project I can work on with the same set up. But in that case after turning off and on again micro supply and again load -run the my project with same set up problem occured again.
OK, thanks for explaining your case more detail.
Btw, did you call CPU_enableDebugInt() (for clearing DBGM bit in ST1) in your code?
If not, please call this function CPU_enableDebugInt().
You can find the explanation in this thread:
Best regards,
Hi Maria,
I am using CCSV5. In debug options menu only " Enable polite mode" available and its checked. There is no option (as I see) Enable real time mode icon. I tried to paste "CPU_enableDebugInt()" function to my code. Some errors and warnings is appeared in console. I tried but I couldnt add this function.
On the other hand I still work on with adc_soc project example. In this project I see that watchdog is disabled before device calibration on line 76 with function WDOG_disable(myWDog);
if this function is commented the same error that is Device blocked debug access because it is currently executing non-debuggable code is appeared. So problem can be related with disabling Watchdog before device calibrating.
I also paste this function WDOG_disable(myWDog); to my code some errors like cpu.h and wdt.h cant open. I triying to fix problems so that I can see what will happen while disabling watchdog before device calibration.
OK, let us know the result.
The picture that I showed you before was from CCSv5.4.
What version of CCSv5 are you using? Because in CCSv5.5, this option is also available.
Btw, for replacing CPU_enableDebugInt(), you can use:
asm(" clrc DBGM");
Best regards,
Hi Maria,
Problem is solved by defining flash in compiler settings. This condition may be specific to my code.
Thanks ,