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Hi, everyone
Is there have a instruction pattern in c28x family ? Cos I want to predicate how long the next instruction is. For example, if I got
first byte of instruction looks like 1010 1011 1000 0001, can I just know whether it's complete or still have 1 byte followed?
Thanks for any advise
I don't believe there is any easy way to determine the op-code length. There is no bit in the op-code that specifies 16 or 32 bits. I don't think there is even a discernible pattern. For example:
INTR NMI (16 bits): 0111 0110 0001 0110
AND IER, #IERMASK (32 bits): 0111 0110 0010 0110 + CCCC CCCC CCCC CCCC
ESTOP1 (16 bits): 0111 0110 0010 0100
Looking at the first two instructions above, you'd try to differentiate between them using bits 5:4 of the MSW. But this fails when you bring in the last instructions where bits 5:4 of the MSW match those of the second instruction. Bottom line: no easy way to tell the instruction length. You'd need to make a table of op-codes and then do a table lookup. However, note that you just need to look up the MSW in the table. The LSW does not contain information pertaining to the length.
Thanks David, looks like I do need the op-code table thing. By the way Do you know where can I get such table or something easy to copy & paste ? You know just record all of them from the manual one by one is a real typing work.
I've never seen a listing of the op-codes. I think you will have to manually pull them out of the user's guide. It's not as straightforward as just making a list because the critical bits in the op-code vary. The rest of the op-code is a memory address, register specifier, etc.
I wonder why you care about this. I mean, what difference does it make whether the next instruction is 1 or 2 words long in your execution path? You're going to burn up a lot of cycles figuring out that length, and I don't see what good the information is anyway. What's the motivation here?