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eCAN Endianess in Concerto F28m36

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: F28M36P63C2, CONTROLSUITE, TMS320F28335

Hi All,

Is it possible to change the Endianess of the eCAN module of F28m36P63C2 concerto controller.

Problem: While communicating  16bit data with 9s12 controller (Big Endian ) i am facing the problem with data only (Lower byte and Upper byte Shuffled) Communication is fine.



  • Hi Rakesh,

    Did you try the DBO bit?
    ECanaRegs.CANMC.bit.DBO = 1;

  • Hi Gautam,
    DBO option not available in F28m36 concerto controller.
  • Rakesh,

    If you are using the MWare CAN driverlib from controlSUITE, you can try modifying the CANDataRegRead function in can.c to change the order in which the bytes are read from the CAN IF2 data register and then written into the message data object variable.

    Best Regards
  • Hi Christopher,
    In my application i am using eCAN as based on interrupt so data loaded into IF Data Reg before reading.
    Present for solving the problem after interrupt(Receive interrupt) came i am pointing the IF data Reg with unsigned char after that i shuffle the data according to the requirement.

    Is there any option like DBO in TMS320F28335 controller.

    Thank you for support.

    Best Regards,
    Rakesh D
  • Rakesh,

    Yes, for TMS320F28335, that device uses a different CAN IP than the Concerto controller. Refer to the master control register for the DBO bit.
    F2833x eCAN Reference Guide:

    Best Regards
  • Hi Christopher,
    Present i solved above problem like below mentioned
    Before writing the data into IF Data regs i am shuffled the data accordingly and same thing is doing for Received data also .

    Now i am getting one more problem i.e. Bus failed occurred if OFC cable length is more than 10meters between F28M36 controller and 5554 controller.
    Upto 9Meters length of OFC cable communication working fine.

    CAN initialization in my soft is
    Source clock is 125MHz
    Time Quanta is 5,
    Phase Seg1 is 2,
    Phase Seg2 is 2,
    SJW is 1.

    Thank you for your support,

    Best Regards,
    Rakesh D
  • Rakesh,

     Even at 1 Mbps, a bus length of 40m is permissible. Not sure why 10m is not working. Have you tried moving the sampling point? Is there any component that introduces excessive propagation delay? Can you please go through