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RTOS/TMS320F28377D: after connect CLA of28377d load symbol error

Part Number: TMS320F28377D

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

After load program to the CPU1 of 28377d,I connect the CLA then load symbol to cla,but there is an error up the picture。Click the “run” button an other error “CPU1_CLA1: Can't Run Target CPU: (Error -2060 @ 0x0) Requested operation cannot be done while device is running. Halt the device, and retry the operation. (Emulation package 6.0.504.1)”

In the CMD file I set the L4 and L5as the program space,L0 and L1 as the data space。In the CLA_configClaMemory() the set of the ram is same as the cmd file。


thank you!

  • Make sure when you build your project the -g(--symdebug:all) option is enabled, that way the debug symbols are in the .out file. when you first launch the program the target is halted at main(), with the CLA tap disconnected so you have to manually connect to it and load the symbols from the .out file.

    You CANNOT RUN the CLA, a CLA task must be triggered by the C28x. Be sure to place an "__mdebugstop()" instrinsic in the task you wish to debug. When you are on the C28x debug tap and you have triggered a CLA task the focus should automatically switch over to the CLA tap, then you may single step through the code.

    IF the foucs does not automatically shift to the CLA, and execution stop at the MDEBUGSTOP, it means there is something wrong wiht the setup. I would check the .map file to ensure the section "Cla1Prog" is in fact in RAML4/L5. I would then check the setup to ensure i have configured the RAM ownership correctly, and finally the MIER (enables) for each task i want to run.
  • Thanks for your answer,My error is in the cpu's program I don't set the trigger source of cla's task1. So , I can't run the CLA's task correctly.