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DRV8301-HC-C2-KIT: DRV830x-HC-C2-KIT BLDC_sensorless

Part Number: DRV8301-HC-C2-KIT

Hi, engineers

     I have trouble in running the BLDC motor with BLDC_sensorless code in DRV830x-HC-C2-KIT, BLDC_sensorless Project works well when I use hall sensor in speed closed mode and speed feedback can also achieve reference speed with speed PI controller, besides, the motor spin as well when just using CMTN_TRIG_MACRO(cmtn1) to commutation. But problems are coming when using CMTN_TRIG_MACRO(cmtn1) to commutation and closed speed mode ,the feedback speed can’t achieve command speed,speed PI controller just like didn't work and output of integrating was almost zero, I've attached the picture of PI output in detail below.

I would like to express my great appreciation to you in first.


  • 1. Check that the ADC configuration for Va/Vb/Vc match the EVM board.
    2. Set the build level to 4 in BLDC_Sensorless_Setting.h to verify the CMTN_TRIG module to make sure the BEMF zero crossing sensing works well for next level to implement speed close loop.
    3. Adjust below setting to run motor smoothly for open loop running, which is very important for switch from open loop to close loop with BEMF zero cross point sensing.
    // Initialize RMP2 module
    rmp2.Out = ALIGN_DUTY;
    rmp2.Ramp2Delay = 0x0050;
    rmp2.Ramp2Max = 0x7FFF;
    rmp2.Ramp2Min = 0x000F;

    // Initialize RMP3 module
    rmp3.DesiredInput = CmtnPeriodTarget;
    rmp3.Ramp3Delay = RampDelay;
    rmp3.Out = CmtnPeriodSetpt;
    rmp3.Ramp3Min = 0x00000010;