Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8312
I am currently using DRV 8301 and F28027F and I would like to measure speed from a BLDC motor. Could you please help to figure out 2 questions below?
1) Connections
As I have searched for a while, I can use GPIO or ADCIN ports to connect a hall sensor. Should I use J5 pin (No. 1= 5V, No. 2= Gnd , No. 3= ADCINA7 , No. 4= ADCINA7, No. 5= ADCINA7) ?
2) Hall sensor data reading
By running this command "c28035pmsmfoc_ert" in Matlab command window, I have found the example required "DRV8312 Three-Phase Brushless Motor Control Kit" and I have checked the hall sensor reading logic. May I use the hall sensor reading logic for F28027F? If it should be changed, which part should be modified?
I would greatly appreciate you reading this question and replying.