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Dear C2000 expert,
I would like to use F28023's epwm works in CBC mode, and require epwm to be latched after CBC occurs in 5 consecutive switch cycle.
But I got a problem that PWM doesn't works in CBC mode if I clears TZCLR register. It seems that TZ condition disappeared after TZCLR register clears. Can you please share your comments on this?
What I doing sequence shown as below:
In each pwm period isr:
- read TZFLG to see if CBC occurs
- If CBC, then count the number and set TZCLR register(it will cause pwm issue), if consecutive 5 pwm cycle, latch pwm
- else clear counter
Here is my test wave, the normal pwm period is 50us, but the pwm cycle is changed after Clearing TZCLR register.
Here is my code about CBC initialization:
void init_pfc_acomp_trip_epwm(void)
SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.ADCENCLK = 1; // Enable Clock to the ADC
AdcRegs.ADCCTL1.bit.ADCBGPWD = 1; // Comparator shares the internal BG reference of the ADC, must be powered even if ADC is unused
//enable analog comparator
DELAY_US(1000); // Delay for Power Up
SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.COMP1ENCLK = 1; // Enable clock to the Comparator 1 block
Comp1Regs.COMPCTL.bit.COMPDACEN = 1; // Power up Comparator 1 locally
//Comp1Regs.COMPCTL.bit.COMPSOURCE = 1; // Connect the inverting input to pin COMP1B
////////////////Uncomment following 2 lines to use DAC instead of pin COMP1B //////////////////
Comp1Regs.COMPCTL.bit.SYNCSEL = 1; //Synchronous version of comparator output is passed
Comp1Regs.COMPCTL.bit.QUALSEL = 31; //Input to the block must be consistent for 3 consecutive clocks before output of Qual block can
Comp1Regs.COMPCTL.bit.COMPSOURCE = 0; // Connect the inverting input to the internal DAC
Comp1Regs.DACVAL.bit.DACVAL = COMP_DAC_VALUE; // Set DAC output to midpoint
// Define an event (DCAEVT1) based on TZ1 and TZ2
EPwm1Regs.DCTRIPSEL.bit.DCAHCOMPSEL = DC_COMP1OUT; // DCAH = Comparator 1 output
//EPwm1Regs.TZDCSEL.bit.DCAEVT1 = TZ_DCAH_LOW; // DCAEVT1 = DCAH low(will become active as Comparator output goes low)
//EPwm1Regs.DCACTL.bit.EVT1SRCSEL = DC_EVT1; // DCAEVT1 = DCAEVT1 (not filtered)
//EPwm1Regs.DCACTL.bit.EVT1FRCSYNCSEL = DC_EVT_ASYNC; // Take async path
EPwm1Regs.DCACTL.bit.EVT2SRCSEL = DC_EVT2; // DCAEVT2 = DCAEVT2 (not filtered)
EPwm1Regs.DCACTL.bit.EVT2FRCSYNCSEL = DC_EVT_ASYNC; // Take async path // Enable DCAEVT2 as
//a one shot trip source
// Note: DCxEVT1 events can be define
// Enable DCAEVT1 and DCBEVT1 are one shot trip sources
// Note: DCxEVT1 events can be defined as one-shot.
// DCxEVT2 events can be defined as cycle-by-cycle.
EPwm1Regs.TZSEL.bit.DCAEVT1 = 0;
EPwm1Regs.TZSEL.bit.DCAEVT2 = 1;
// What do we want the DCAEVT1 and DCBEVT1 events to do?
// DCAEVTx events can force EPWMxA
// DCBEVTx events can force EPWMxB
EPwm1Regs.TZCTL.bit.TZA = TZ_FORCE_LO; // EPWM1A will go high
CBC handler code in ISR:
inline void epwm_cbc_handler(void)
volatile union TZFLG_REG tzflg;
static int16 cbc_count = 0;
tzflg.all = EPwm1Regs.TZFLG.all;
if(tzflg.bit.CBC == 1) //CBC occurs
EPwm1Regs.TZCLR.all = tzflg.all; //clear cbc flag
cbc_count ++;
if(cbc_count == 5)
pfc_vars.cbc_fault = 1;
cbc_count = 0;
A normal use case for the TZ module is to get as fast of a response as possible. You may be able to do this if you configure the TZ to "Do nothing" then after 5 consecutive CBC trips reconfigure the TZ to "Clear Low" causing the PWM output to drive low.
Hi Jack,
I would recommend that you configure every register bit in the TZCTL register. The default settings for some of these bits likely are not doing what you want & may be contributing to what you are seeing.
Thank you,
In the ePWM User's Guide, you'll find that there are 6 register bits in the TZCTL register.
You've currently only configured the TZA bit. I'd configure the other register bits as 'Do Nothing'. This will prevent them from affecting the output.
If that doesn't help:
Does clearing only the CBC flag change the behavior you see? (instead of clearing all TZ flags)
Thank you,
Sorry, I misunderstood your problem. The CBC trip shouldn't clear in this situation. Have you configured the one-shot logic somewhere? Can you share the bit definitions of "tzflg.all"?
I agree with Brett, a good next step would be to change "EPwm1Regs.TZCLR.all = tzflg.all; //clear cbc flag" to only clear the CBC flag. The way it's written now it could clear many flags. This may be OK for your program, but to simplify debug lets only clear the CBC flag.
Hi Cody,
Please note that my request is that epwm should be latched after 5 or 10 consecutive CBC occurs, and epwm should be tripped by CBC events.
It seems that you still don't understand what issue I have gotten. Please see below waveform that I have put some marks on it. The position A is the CBC events, I clear the CBC bit of TZCLR register at position B. It looks to me that EPWMxA was tripped by CBC, but EPWMxA pull high again after clearing the CBC bit in TZCLR register, this is not what I want. I want the EPWM turns on in next switch cycle instead of this cycle. Hope you've understood my situation.
The definition of TZFLG_REG is in the DSP2802x_EPWM.h, here it is.
// Trip zone flag register bit definitions */
struct TZFLG_BITS { // bits description
Uint16 INT:1; // 0 Global status
Uint16 CBC:1; // 1 Trip Zones Cycle By Cycle Int
Uint16 OST:1; // 2 Trip Zones One Shot Int
Uint16 DCAEVT1:1; // 3 Force DCAEVT1 event
Uint16 DCAEVT2:1; // 4 Force DCAEVT2 event
Uint16 DCBEVT1:1; // 5 Force DCBEVT1 event
Uint16 DCBEVT2:1; // 6 Force DCBEVT2 event
Uint16 rsvd2:9; // 15:7 reserved
union TZFLG_REG {
Uint16 all;
struct TZFLG_BITS bit;
sorry for the delay. Clearing the TZFLG.CBC will not affect the output of the PWM, the only event that clears a CBC trip is Counter=0. This feature is very well tested so I don't think there is a bug there.
There are two things in this circuit that can also force the PWM output low, and be cleared at any point.
If you made the modifications to your code suggested earlier in this thread, then I think that the Digital Compare event is forcing the PWM output low, not the CBC trip.
yes, you should be able to force the output low after x number of consecutive CBC trips.
I would use a very similar scheme as to what you have tried:
Is anything unclear?
Hi Cody,
Thanks for your strong support. This issue has been fixed.
Thanks again.