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I have a problem with my EPwm signal, or maybe it is the problem with my ADC? I am new in this stuff and it is hard to tell for me what I am doing wrong. First I just wanted to start EPwm in any configuration and it looked like it worked, I used it to control brightness of a diode. But then I wanted to check how it actually looks so I connected it with a wire with Adc to see its trajectory in CCS Debug mode. This is what i got:
I dont think this is a good result, I belive it should be perfectly steady, meanwhile what i got looks like a total chaos, when i refresh the results it sometimes gets even wierder,
Here are the properties of the graph in CCS:
And here is my code:
#include "F28x_Project.h" void Init_EPwm2Gpio(void); void Init_Clocks(void); void Configure_EPwm2Regs(void); void Configure_ADC(void); void Configure_EPWM_trig_ADC(void); void SetupADCEpwm(Uint16 channel); #define RESULTS_BUFFER_SIZE 256 Uint16 AdcaResults[RESULTS_BUFFER_SIZE]; Uint16 resultsIndex; volatile Uint16 bufferFull; int main(void) { InitSysCtrl(); //inicjalizacja zegarow, watchdoga, pll itp. // Nie wnikałem za bardzo Init_EPwm2Gpio(); // konfiguracja gpio do epwm2 Init_Clocks(); Configure_EPwm2Regs(); // Konfiguracja epwm2 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Here's the part I don't really understand but I belive this is not a case here //////////////// DINT; InitPieCtrl(); IER = 0x0000; IFR = 0x0000; InitPieVectTable(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Configure_ADC(); Configure_EPWM_trig_ADC(); SetupADCEpwm(2); for(;;) { AdcaResults[resultsIndex++] = AdcaResultRegs.ADCRESULT1; if(RESULTS_BUFFER_SIZE <= resultsIndex) { resultsIndex = 0; bufferFull = 1; } } } void Init_EPwm2Gpio() { EALLOW; GpioCtrlRegs.GPAPUD.bit.GPIO2 = 1; // Disable pull-up on GPIO2 (EPWM2A) GpioCtrlRegs.GPAPUD.bit.GPIO3 = 1; // Disable pull-up on GPIO3 (EPWM2B) // Configure EPwm-2 pins using GPIO regs // This specifies which of the possible GPIO pins will be EPWM2 functional pins. GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX1.bit.GPIO2 = 1; // Configure GPIO2 as EPWM2A GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX1.bit.GPIO3 = 1; // Configure GPIO3 as EPWM2B EDIS; } void Init_Clocks() { EALLOW; CpuSysRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.TBCLKSYNC = 1; //When set PWM time bases of all the PWM modules start counting. CpuSysRegs.PCLKCR2.bit.EPWM2=1; // epwm clock enable CpuSysRegs.PCLKCR2.bit.EPWM1=1; // epwm1 wyzwala adc, epwm2 do diody CpuSysRegs.PCLKCR13.bit.ADC_A = 1; EDIS; } void Configure_EPwm2Regs() { EPwm2Regs.TBCTL.bit.CTRMODE = TB_COUNT_UP; // liczenie w gore EPwm2Regs.TBPRD = 5000; // Przy 200MHz taktowania plytki, podzieleniu przez cztery (2*2), okres 5000 powinien dac 100us podstawy EPwm2Regs.TBPHS.bit.TBPHS = 0; // faza rowna 0 EPwm2Regs.TBCTR = 0; // resetowanie licznika EPwm2Regs.TBCTL.bit.HSPCLKDIV = TB_DIV2; EPwm2Regs.TBCTL.bit.CLKDIV = TB_DIV2; // oba dziela przez dwa, lacznie przez cztery EPwm2Regs.CMPCTL.bit.SHDWAMODE = 0x0;//CC_IMMEDIATE; EPwm2Regs.CMPCTL.bit.SHDWBMODE = 0x0;//CC_IMMEDIATE; EPwm2Regs.CMPCTL.bit.LOADAMODE = CC_CTR_ZERO; EPwm2Regs.CMPCTL.bit.LOADBMODE = CC_CTR_ZERO; EPwm2Regs.CMPA.bit.CMPA = 2500; // counter compare EPwm2Regs.AQCTLA.bit.PRD = AQ_CLEAR; // zeruj pwma na poczatku okresu EPwm2Regs.AQCTLA.bit.CAU = AQ_SET; // jak CC jest rowny lincznikowi PWM to ustalam akcje, w tym przypadku stan wysoki } void Configure_ADC(void) { EALLOW; //write configurations AdcaRegs.ADCCTL2.bit.PRESCALE = 6; //set ADCCLK divider to /4 AdcSetMode(ADC_ADCA, ADC_RESOLUTION_12BIT, ADC_SIGNALMODE_SINGLE); //Set pulse positions to late AdcaRegs.ADCCTL1.bit.INTPULSEPOS = 1; //power up the ADC AdcaRegs.ADCCTL1.bit.ADCPWDNZ = 1; //delay for 1ms to allow ADC time to power up DELAY_US(1000); EDIS; } void Configure_EPWM_trig_ADC(void) { EALLOW; EPwm1Regs.TBCTL.bit.CTRMODE = TB_COUNT_UP; EPwm1Regs.TBPRD = 0x1000;// Set period to 4096 counts EPwm1Regs.CMPA.bit.CMPA = 0x0800; // Set compare A value to 2048 counts EPwm1Regs.ETSEL.bit.SOCAEN = 1; // Enable SOC on A group EPwm1Regs.ETSEL.bit.SOCASEL = 4; // 100: Enable event time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is incrementing or CMPC when the timer is incrementing EPwm1Regs.ETPS.bit.SOCAPRD = 1; // Generate pulse on 1st event EDIS; } void SetupADCEpwm(Uint16 channel) { Uint16 acqps; // //determine minimum acquisition window (in SYSCLKS) based on resolution // if(ADC_RESOLUTION_12BIT == AdcaRegs.ADCCTL2.bit.RESOLUTION) { acqps = 14; //75ns } else //resolution is 16-bit { acqps = 63; //320ns } EALLOW; AdcaRegs.ADCSOC1CTL.bit.CHSEL = channel; //wybierajac channel=2, SOC1 bedzie pobierac wartosc z adcina2 i zapisywac je w adcresult1 AdcaRegs.ADCSOC1CTL.bit.ACQPS = acqps; //sample window is 100 SYSCLK cycles AdcaRegs.ADCSOC1CTL.bit.TRIGSEL = 5; //trigger on ePWM1 SOCA/C EDIS; }